4950 Separation From Employment

Original Date: 11/1/1995 * Last Revision Effective: 4/21/2015
Policy Contact: Vice President, Human Resources


When a Bellevue College faculty or staff member leaves Bellevue College employment, he/she is responsible for the following on or before the last day of employment:

  • return all keys for Bellevue College facilities to campus operations;
  • return all Bellevue College equipment borrowed for use off-campus; file paperwork with material resources; return all library books and materials;
  • return corporate American Express and Budget Rent-A-Car cards to finance; pay any parking and traffic fines, library fines, or other outstanding debts to the college;
  • repay any travel advances or petty cash advances.

It is helpful but not mandatory to notify technology services of passwords for voice-mail, e-mail, and HP access. Technology services will be responsible for canceling SCAN and HP authorizations.

Payroll will not release the former employee’s final paycheck until all pertinent obligations have been met. Outstanding fines and cash advances may be deducted from the final paycheck.

Revision History

Original 1/11/1995
Revisions 5/21/2009; 4/21/2015

Approved By

President’s Cabinet

Last Updated April 21, 2015