Original Date: 2/11/1996 * Last Revision Effective: 5/13/2015
Policy Contact: Vice President, Human Resources
As a public agency whose responsibility is to serve the educational needs of students and potential students, it is the policy of Bellevue College to ensure that college services are available and offices are open to the public during published hours of business.
The college president or her/his designee is responsible for determining when public health, property, or safety is jeopardized and whether it is advisable, due to emergency conditions, to suspend the operation of all or any portion of the institution.
Relevant Laws and Other Resources
- Bellevue College Procedure #6050P Campus Hours of Operation
Revision History
Original 2/11/1996
Revisions 4/1/2000; 5/10/2005; 5/21/2009; 5/31/2015
Approved By
President’s Cabinet
Last Updated May 13, 2015