Original Date: 1/11/1995 * Last Revision Effective: 5/13/2015
Policy Contact: Vice President, Administrative Services
The purpose of this policy is to promote the most efficient and safe use of all state-owned vehicles at Bellevue College. To this end, the following requirements and restrictions must be met:
- State vehicles at Bellevue College shall be used for official college business only. Overnight use is not permitted.
- All operators of motor pool vehicles shall be employees or students of Bellevue College and shall carry a valid state of Washington driver’s license.
- The operator shall obey all motor vehicle rules and regulations while using the vehicle.
- Any citation for violation of said rules and regulations shall be the sole responsibility of the operator.
- If involved in an accident, the operator shall notify the college immediately and file an accident report with campus public safety on return to the campus.
- Misuse of a motor pool vehicle may result in employee or student disciplinary actions as the vice president of administrative services or the vice president of student services deem appropriate.
- Drivers must complete the driving safety course provided by the college.
- The vehicle shall be returned in good condition, clean, and full of gasoline.
Relevant Laws and Other Resources
- WAC 132H-204-010 through 170
Revision History
Original 1/11/1995
Revisions 5/10/2005; 4/12/2009; 5/13/2015
Approved By
Board of Trustees
President’s Cabinet
Last Updated May 13, 2015