Original Date: 5/10/2005 * Last Revision Effective: 10/15/2015
Policy Contact: Vice President, Administrative Services
Bellevue College requires that all state-owned property be installed, maintained and repaired by on-campus departments according to the following procedures unless prior arrangements are made.
All requests for the purchase of or service on technology-related items must be processed through information technology services using request center or by calling the help desk. This includes, but is not limited to computers, printers, fax machines, scanners, software and accessories.
Bellevue College’s maintenance and custodial staff are responsible for the upkeep of buildings and other facilities. Faculty and staff members requiring maintenance of custodial services should request such services by submitting a request through request center.
Services include, but are not limited to:
- minor repairs or alterations (such as replacement of fluorescent tubes or installation of bulletin boards or book shelves)
- special custodial services
- set-up for conferences or special events
- assistance with moving furniture
- transfer of records boxes, unused furniture, etc. to the warehouse.
Maintenance requests are prioritized and completed as time allows within regular and emergency maintenance and custodial activity.
Any project involving permanent changes such as electrical rewiring, laying or removing carpet, building or removing walls and permanent partitions, needs special approval before work can be scheduled.
The requesting department must submit a written request to the area dean or vice president. The request should include a detailed description and a justification statement. After initial approval, the area dean or vice president will forward the request to the vice president of administrative services. Once approved by the vice president of administrative services, the request will be sent to facilities planning and construction for feasibility review, code compliance, Americans with Disabilities Act review and costing out.
Costs will be submitted to the area dean or vice president for approval. Once final approval is received, facilities planning and construction will bid and schedule the project.
Facilities planning and construction staff may assist in planning the remodeling project and drafting the description, but the project cannot be put onto the college work schedule without approval from the vice president of administrative services.
Revision History
Original 5/10/2005
Revisions 5/21/2009; 9/17/2012; 10/15/2015
Approved By
President’s Cabinet
Last Updated October 15, 2015