Original Date: 9/8/1992 * Last Revision Effective: 10/19/2015
Policy Contact: President
The following procedures are established to meet the requirements for implementing policy #7450 – Commercial Activity.
Approval and Review of Commercial Activities
The vice president of administrative services shall be responsible for the approval of new commercial activities and the periodic review of existing ones. It shall be the responsibility of this officer to assure that each commercial activity meets the criteria established for commercial activities of the college. Proposals for new or altered services shall be approved by the vice president of administrative services prior to implementation.
Criteria for Commercial Activities Serving Members of the Campus Community
Each of the following criteria shall be used in assessing the validity of providing goods or services to members of the campus community:
- The goods or services are substantially and directly related to the mission of the college.
- Provision of the goods, services, or facilities on campus represents a special convenience to the campus community or facilitates extracurricular activities.
- Fees charged for the goods, services, or facilities shall take into account the full direct and indirect costs, including overhead. They shall also reflect the costs of such items in the private marketplace.
- Procedures adequate to the circumstances shall be observed to ensure that the goods and services are provided only to persons who are students, faculty, staff, or invited guests.
Criteria for Providing Commercial Activities to the External Community
- The goods, services, or facilities provided relate substantially and directly to the mission of the college and are not commonly available or otherwise easily accessible in the private marketplace and are in demand from the external community.
- Fees charged for the goods, services or facilities shall take into account the full direct and indirect costs, including overhead. They shall also reflect the costs of such items in the private marketplace.
Commercial Activity
- “Commercial activity” means an activity which provides a product or service for a fee which could be obtained from a commercial source. This definition shall be used to determine which activities shall be governed by this policy, except that this policy shall not apply to:
- the initiation of or changes in academic or vocational programs of instruction in the college’s regular, extension, evening or continuing education programs;
- fees for services provided in the practicum aspects of instruction;
- extracurricular programs, including food services, athletic and recreational programs, and performing arts programs.
Revision History
Original 9/8/1992
Revisions 1/5/2003; 3/22/2005; 5/21/2009; 10/19/2015
Approved By
Board of Trustees
President’s Cabinet
Last Updated October 19, 2015