Outdoor Recreation Leadership: Invasive Plant Removal, Kimball Creek

Restoration along Kimball Creek.

Wednesday June 5, 2:45 – 5:30 PM, Kimball Creek Slough

PE 239 Outdoor Recreation Leadership students host this event! Join these emerging leaders for a new Adventure Outdoors and build your adventure community:

Join us in a plant restoration along the Kimball Creek Slough and gain the opportunity to get service hours and learn more about your community. During this restoration, you will learn how to identify and remove invasive species like Himalayan blackberry, Morning Glory, and other weeds. You’ll also get to learn more about the surrounding wetland and native plants that are in the area, and the importance of wetland restoration. Find more information about Kimball Creek on the Snoqualmie Tribe website. (Photo courtesy of the Salmon Recovery Portal  |  Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office.)

Last Updated May 23, 2024