Location: A244
World Language Lab Hours of Operation
The World Language Lab’s hours of operation are typically
Monday – Friday, 9:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. on days when classes are in session.
The schedule is subject to change due to lab assistant availability and to room reservations by the World Language instructors.
The weekly schedule is posted on the door of the Language Lab.
Mission of the World Language Lab:
The World Language (WL) Lab exists to supplement the classroom – and online learning of WL students by providing them a space and opportunities to learn and practice languages with the aid of a computer, headset, and microphone. Secondarily, the Lab is to function, when appropriate, as a shared space for the WL instructors to meet and assist students with online course materials and digital assignments, to communicate electronically with students, to administer make-up quizzes/tests, etc.
Last Updated July 11, 2023