6230 Driver Safety Program

Original Date:10/21/2008 * Last Revision Effective: 5/13/2015
Policy Contact: Vice President, Administrative Services


As a public agency whose responsibility is to serve the educational needs of students and potential students, it is the policy of Bellevue College to ensure that college owned, rented or leased motor vehicles are operated safely and within the requirements set forth by the Washington state office of financial management. As an example of Bellevue College’s commitment to the safety and wellbeing of all drivers the college goes beyond the minimum requirement and requires all drivers to provide proof of a valid Washington state drivers license every two years, proof of valid insurance if using a privately owned vehicle every two years and attend a drivers safety briefing within sixty (60) days of employment.

College drivers who transport others on college business in 15 passenger or minivans/SUVs must also attend the 15 passenger and minivan driver’s safety briefing and provide an abstract of their driving record at the assigning department’s expense every two years.


Bellevue College Campus Public Safety Director

  • The Bellevue College public safety director or designee will provide regularly scheduled training opportunities for both the basic drivers safety program and the 15 passenger and minivan drivers safety briefing.
  • The Bellevue College department of public safety will provide record keeping ensuring that all training requirements are met and that valid forms and copies of licenses and insurance information are kept on file.

Bellevue College Department Managers

  • The department manager is responsible for ensuring that all employees expected to operate state vehicles, or be the designated driver with passengers while on official business, receive the basic driver safety program within sixty (60) days of adoption of this policy or sixty (60) days of employment for all new employees.


College Driver

  • A college employee, volunteer, or registered student designated as the official driver to and from an official college event or business activity and who has successfully completed the driver safety program. May also include public safety officers or employees from campus operations or other college administrators during official college business.


  • Any person authorized to ride with a driver while engaged in official college business.

College Vehicle

  • Any college owned, rented, leased vehicle or any personally owned vehicle being used for official college business under the direction of the department manager.

Relevant Laws and Other Resources

Revision History

Original 10/21/2008
Revision 5/21/2009; 9/17/2012; 5/13/2015

Approved By

President’s Cabinet

Last Updated May 13, 2015