Emergency Alerts

Don't be the last to know; sign up today for BC Alerts! Get immediate text alerts to your cell phone when classes are cancelled, campus is closed, or there is an emergency.

Red background with yellow text,

Bellevue College has partnered with Rave Mobile Safety to offer an emergency alert notification system called BC Alerts. The BC Alerts service delivers reliable emergency text and email messages to you anytime there is an emergency on campus that poses a safety concern for the community. Emergencies are considered any event that poses a safety risk to the campus community.

You’re automatically subscribed to BC Alerts if you have a BC email address. If you’re new to BC or haven’t signed up for your NetID yet, you can do this easily online anytime.

For additional question regarding these alerts and their function, please read these Frequently Asked Questions or contact the Bellevue College Emergency Manager, Jason Koenig.



Timely WarningsEmergency Notifications
When should this alert be sent?When Clery crimes reported to a campus security authority or local law enforcement pose a serious or ongoing threat to the campus community.When there is confirmation of an immediate threat to the health and safety of the campus community.
Does the location of the incident matter?Only required for Clery crimes occurring within Clery geography that pose a serious or ongoing
On-campus emergencies only.
What should this alert contain?Date, nature, location of incident; prevention tips;
how to report a similar occurrence.
Information about the nature of the emergency
and what changes one needs to make
immediately as a result; evacuation procedures
if necessary; assurance that an all-clear will be sent when emergency is over
Who should receive this alert?Must reach entire campus communityCan be segmented, if appropriate
How is a determination made to send the alert?Case-by-case analysis if the factors above are presentProcedure in place to confirm whether a
significant emergency exists
Who issues the alert?Not prescribed by the Clery Act—should be an individual or office with authority and capability to issue campus-wide communicationNot prescribed by the Clery Act—should be an individual or office with authority and capability to issue campus-wide communication
How should it be disseminated?Not prescribed by the Clery Act—should be an individual or office with authority and capability to issue campus-wide communicationMulti-modal system is best to ensure delivery;
segmentation of messaging is permitted, if

Emergency Notification Log

BC Alert: Campus reopening on Mon 11/25

BC Alert: Campus reopening on Mon 11/25. Classes & services resume. Housing is open. Suspended operations only through Sun 11/24. Check email for details.

BC Alert: Power out on campus

BC Alert: The BC campus has lost power. The student housing generator is operating. Campus Ops and housing staff have been notified. More information to follow.