Original Date: 9/12/1995 * Last Revision Effective: 12/6/2022
Policy Contact: Associate Vice President, Student Affairs
The following procedures are established to meet the requirements for implementing policy #2100 – Hazing.
All employees including student employees must receive hazing prevention training, either electronically or in person, on the signs and dangers of hazing, as well as the College’s prohibition against hazing.
The College must provide students with educational programming on hazing that includes information on hazing awareness, prevention, intervention, and the College’s policies prohibiting hazing. This programming can be provided either in person or electronically and must be part of the College’s new student orientation sessions. The program must also be posted on the College’s public website for the public, including parents, legal guardians, and volunteers to review.
Employee Mandatory Reporting
If, as a result of observations or information received in the course of employment or volunteer service, any employee, including a student employee, or volunteer at Bellevue College has reasonable cause to believe that hazing has occurred, the employee or volunteer shall report the incident, or cause a report to be made, to a designated authority. Designated authorities include any student conduct officer, the office of the associate vice president of student affairs, and the office of human resources. The employee or volunteer shall make the report at the first opportunity to do so.
A person who witnesses hazing or has reasonable cause to believe hazing has occurred or will occur and makes a report in good faith may not be sanctioned or punished for the violation of hazing unless the person is directly engaged in the planning, directing, or act of hazing reported.
“Reasonable cause” means a person who witnesses hazing or receives a credible written or oral report alleging hazing or potential or planned hazing activity.
Nothing in this procedure shall prevent a person from independently reporting hazing or suspected hazing activity to law enforcement.
Hazing Prevention Committee
The Bellevue College Hazing Prevention Committee shall promote and address hazing prevention. The committee shall have a minimum of six members including a designated chair appointed by the president of the institution. Fifty percent of the committee positions shall include students currently attending the higher education institution with at least one position filled by a student from a student organization, athletic team, or living group. The other fifty percent of the committee positions shall include at least one faculty or staff member and one parent or legal guardian of a student currently enrolled at the institution. Student input shall be considered for committee membership. A student who is a member of a student organization, athletic team, or living group that was affiliated with a finding of a hazing violation within the last twelve months may not participate in or be a member of the hazing prevention committee. The Chair of Bellevue College’s Hazing Prevention Committee is the Manager of Student Conduct.
Employee: A person who is receiving wages from Bellevue College and is in a position with direct ongoing contact with students in a supervisory role or position of authority. “Employee” does not include a person employed as medical staff or with an affiliated organization, entity, or extension of a postsecondary educational institution, unless the employee has a supervisory role or position of authority over students. “Employee” does not include confidential employees.
Revision History
Original 9/12/1995
Revisions 3/22/2005; 5/21/2009; 4/6/2015; 12/6/2022
Approved By
President’s Cabinet
Last Updated December 12, 2022