4250P Extra-duty Teaching Assignments for Classified and Exempt Employees (Procedures)

Original Date: 4/24/2018 * Last Revision Effective: 4/24/2018
Policy Contact: Vice President, Human Resources


The following procedures are established to implement Policy 4250 Standards of Ethical Conduct related to extra-duty teaching assignments for classified and exempt employees. The college values opportunities for these employees to support student success as classroom teachers. Extra-duty teaching assignments might interfere with regular work assignments or lead to conflicts of interest and other violations. this procedure provides internal controls to avoid misconduct of the appearance of misconduct when classified and exempt employees seek teaching contracts at the college.


Classified and exempt employees may contract to teach at the college if they meet the following requirements:

  • The teaching load is no greater than fifteen (15) credits per academic year; and no greater than six (6) credits per quarter.
  • When the teaching assignment (such as a scheduled class period) overlaps with the employee’s primary position, a shift change has been approved by the primary supervisor and documented through the Human Resources Office. A shift change cannot overlap with an established lunch period and must be compliant with collective bargaining, as well as labor laws.
  • The employee does not use their primary workspace or resources (such as desks and computers) during regularly scheduled work hours as part of their extra-duty teaching assignment.

Classified and exempt employees who have been offered a teaching assignment must disclose a potential conflict of interest by completing a Classified and Exempt Teaching Approval Form, available on the MyBC Forms Library site, including signatures from the primary supervisor and the contracting dean. The form should be submitted to the Human Resources Office at least two (2) weeks prior to the first day of class.

These procedures protect the college and employees from violations of state law. Failure to disclose conflicts of interest or failure to comply with agreed upon conditions may be grounds for disciplinary action, including loss of wages.


Classified and exempt employees who contract to teach a course(s) in addition to their primary work responsibilities must disclose the contract to their primary supervisor and the Human Resources Office; document required shift changes; seek and receive approval from the primary supervisor; and be accountable for the documented plan.

Primary supervisors of classified and exempt employees contracting to teach a course(s) in addition to their primary work responsibilities must ensure the following:

  • A shift change, if necessary, meets the following conditions:
    • Does not impinge on inflexible time commitments of either job;
    • Does not present an undue burden on unit coworkers;
    • Has no impact on the employee’s ability to meet satisfactory job performance;
    • Is reasonably supervised (i.e. the shift cannot be moved to 2 am).
  • A teaching request is denied if any factors exist that could present a reasonable impediment to the fulfillment of the primary job position and that cannot be remediated.

Contracting deans supervising a classified or exempt employee seeking an extra-duty teaching assignment must ensure the following:

  • The employee was not involved in the assignment of the teaching contract.
  • The assignment was based on established program hiring practices including transparency and broad access to the selection process.
  • The employee meets teaching qualifications and their credentials are maintained in accordance with WAC 131-16-091 at the program level.

Appropriate personnel in the Human Resources Office must:

  • Maintain an active register of signed Classified and Exempt Teaching Approval forms.
  • Convene a recommending committee with at least two (2) deans, as needed, to resolve assignment conflicts between supervisors and employees.
  • Communicate with the Payroll Office to ensure that Classified and Exempt Staff Teaching Approval forms are recorded prior to payment of the teaching contract.

Relevant Laws and Other Resources

Revision History

Original 4/24/2018

Approved By

President’s Cabinet


Last Updated October 23, 2023