Original Date: 4/10/1990 * Last Revision Effective: 4/21/2015
Policy Contact: Vice President, Human Resources
Bellevue College intends to provide a drug-free, healthful, safe, and secure work and educational environment. Each employee is expected to report to work in an appropriate mental and physical condition to perform his/her assigned duties. Each student is expected to be in an appropriate mental and physical condition to participate fully in the learning process.
The unlawful manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession, or use of a controlled substance in or on Bellevue College owned or controlled property, or while conducting Bellevue College business, is prohibited. Violation of this policy will be reason for appropriate personnel action, or for mandatory evaluation/treatment for substance abuse. Any personnel actions and student violations will be processed in accordance with state regulations, bargaining unit agreements, student conduct code, or other appropriate policies of the college. Any disciplinary action for employees or students will be decided on a case-by-case basis depending upon the specific circumstances.
Employees must report any conviction under a criminal drug statute for violations occurring in or on property owned or controlled by Bellevue College or while conducting Bellevue College business. An employee shall report any such conviction to her/his supervisor within five (5) days after the conviction. Bellevue College must report the conviction to the appropriate federal grant/contracting agency within ten (10) days after having received notice that a person employed under a federally-sponsored grant or contract has any drug statute conviction or violation occurring in the workplace.
Bellevue College recognizes drug abuse and/or dependency to be a health, safety, and security problem. Employees needing assistance with problems related to drug or alcohol abuse are encouraged to use the State Employee Advisory Service and/or employee medical insurance plans, as appropriate. Conscientious efforts to seek such help will not jeopardize employment.
The board of trustees of Community College District VIII recognizes alcoholism, alcohol abuse, chemical dependency, and other health and related behavioral problems as treatable conditions which repeatedly and continually interfere with an employee’s ability to perform his/her job. A college employee having these conditions will be given the same consideration and offer of assistance presently extended to employees having other illnesses.
Relevant Laws and Other Resources
Revision History
Original 4/10/1990
Revisions 5/10/2005; 5/21/2009; 4/21/2015
Approved By
All College Council
Board of Trustees
President’s Cabinet
Last Updated May 23, 2016