Original Date: 5/4/1982 * Last Revision Effective: 10/21/21
Policy Contact: Vice President, Administrative Services
Bellevue College Policy 6100 has been adopted as Chapter 132H-140 of the Washington Administrative Code.
WAC 132H-140-020 Statement of purpose.
The purpose of this chapter is to establish procedures and reasonable controls for the use of college property by all college and noncollege groups. Bellevue College is an educational institution provided and maintained by the people of the state of Washington. The college reserves its property for activities that are related to its broad educational mission. When not being used for those purposes, college property may be made available to other individuals and organizations.
Consistent with RCW 28B.50.140(7) and 28B.50.140(9), college property should be available for a variety of uses which are of benefit to either the college community or the general public if such uses substantially relate to and do not interfere with the mission of the college. However, a state agency is under no obligation to make its property available to the general public for private purposes.
When determining whether to authorize a particular use, primary consideration shall be given at all times to activities related to the college’s mission, and no arrangements shall be made that may interfere with, or operate to the detriment of, the college’s own teaching, student programming, or other college sponsored programs.
132H-140-122 Definitions.
For the purposes of this chapter, the following definition shall apply:
- “College property” shall include, but not be limited to, all campuses of the college, wherever located, and all college-controlled land, buildings, facilities, vehicles, equipment, and any other property owned or used by the college, including study abroad, retreat, and conference sites.
WAC 132H-140-025 Applicability to expressive activity.
Use of college property for expressive activity is governed by the rules set forth in chapter 132H-142 WAC.
WAC 132H-140-030 Request for use of college property.
Requests by individuals or groups from outside the college shall be made to the vice president of administrative services or a designee, who shall be the agent of the college in consummating rental and use agreements.
WAC 132H-140-050 Scheduling and reservation practices.
The primary purpose of college property use is to advance the mission of the college. However, college property, when not required for scheduled college purposes, may be available for use by the public in accordance with current fee schedules and other relevant terms and conditions developed and maintained by the vice president of administrative services.
No college property may be used by individuals or groups from outside the college without first executing a written contract, signed by the vice president of administrative services or designee, reserving the property and setting forth the fees, terms, and conditions of use.
In determining whether to accept a request for the use of college property, the administration shall use the college mission statement and the following items, listed in priority order, as guidelines:
- Bellevue College scheduled programs, activities, and events.
- Foundation related events.
- Noncollege (outside individual or organization) events.
Arrangements for use of college property must be made through the office of the vice president of administrative services.
WAC 132H-140-065 Limitations and denial of use.
Bellevue College is a state agency and exists to serve the public. However, the college may deny use of its property to any individual, group or organization if the requested use would:
- Interfere or conflict with the college’s mission including but not limited to instruction, student services, support programs, research, or public service programs;
- Interfere with the free flow of pedestrian or vehicular traffic on campus;
- Involve illegal activity or fail to comply with college policies, procedures, contracts, or Washington administrative codes;
- Create a hazard or result in damage to college property; or
- Create undue stress on college resources.
Where college space is used for an authorized function, groups must obey or comply with directions of college officials.
Any individual or group granted permission to use college property shall agree in advance to abide by all college rules and regulations. Use of college property by college personnel, students, college organizations and the general public is also subject to local, state, and federal laws.
The college reserves the right to deny use of college property to any individual or group whose past conduct indicates a likelihood that college rules and regulations will not be obeyed. The college may also deny use to a requesting individual or organization that used college property in the past and caused damage, left college buildings and grounds in excessive disorder, or failed to cooperate with college officials concerning use of the property.
College property may be used for purposes of political campaigning by or for candidates who have filed for public office, if the campaigning is directed to members of the public, and only when the full fee for the property is paid. Use of state funds to pay for or subsidize a political campaign’s use of college property is prohibited.
If at any time actual use of college property by an individual or group constitutes an unreasonable disruption of the normal operation of the college, such use shall immediately terminate; all persons engaged in such use shall immediately vacate the premises and leave the college property upon direction of a designated college official.
Advertising or promotional materials for any event being held on or in college property must comply with college policies and procedures.
Use of audio amplifying equipment is permitted only in locations and at times that will not disrupt, or disturb, or interfere with the normal conduct of college affairs, including, but not limited to, the use of classrooms, offices, libraries, and laboratories; and previously scheduled college events or activities.
Use of college property for commercial purposes must be preapproved by the vice president of administrative services and comply with WAC 132H-133-050.
Alcoholic beverages will not be served without the approval of the provost or designee. It shall be the responsibility of the event sponsor to obtain all necessary licenses from the Washington state liquor and cannabis board and adhere to their regulations and those of Bellevue College.
WAC 132H-140-070 Other requirements.
- When using college property, an individual or organization may be required to make an advance deposit, post a bond and/or obtain insurance to protect the college against costs or other liability.
- When the college grants permission to an individual or organization to use its property it is with the expressed understanding and condition that the individual or organization assumes full responsibility for any loss or damage resulting from such use and agrees to hold harmless and indemnify the college against any loss or damage claim arising out of such use.
WAC 132H-140-085 College property use fees.
Use fees will be charged in accordance with a schedule developed by the vice president of administrative services, which is available at the events office. The college reserves the right to make pricing changes without prior written notice, except that such price changes shall not apply to facility use agreements already approved by the administration.
WAC 132H-140-110 Animals on campus.
Pets on the grounds of Bellevue College shall be in the physical control of their owner in accordance with the city of Bellevue dog leash and waste removal required ordinance, chapter 8.05.
Animals are prohibited from entering buildings operated by Bellevue College, with the exception of service animals or as approved as an accommodation for a disability in accordance with Bellevue College policies and procedures.
WAC 132H-140-120 Trespass.
- Individuals who are not students or members of the faculty or staff and who violate these rules will be advised of the specific nature of the violation, and if they persist in the violation, they will be requested by the president or designee to leave the college property. Such a request prohibits the entry of and withdraws the license or privilege to enter onto or remain upon any portion of the college property by the person or group of persons requested to leave. Such persons shall be subject to arrest under the provisions of chapter 9A.52 RCW. Individuals requested to leave college property may appeal that decision by submitting to the college president by certified mail, return receipt requested, a letter stating the reasons the person should not be barred from college property. The college president or designee shall respond in writing within fifteen calendar days with a final decision of the college. Persons shall continue to be barred from college property while an appeal is pending.
- Students, faculty, and staff of the college who do not comply with these regulations will be reported to the appropriate college office or agency for action in accordance with this chapter or with other applicable rules, regulations, or policies.
Relevant Laws and Other Resources
- WAC 132-H-140-020, 030, 050, 065, 070, 085
Revision History
Original 5/4/1982
Revisions 6/12/2002; 5/10/2005; 5/21/2009; 5/13/2015; 10/20/21
Approved By
Board of Trustees
Last Updated November 28, 2021