6190 Integrated Pest Management

Original Date: 6/28/2005 * Last Revision Effective: 5/13/2015
Policy Contact: Vice President, Administrative Services


Per Washington state law, Bellevue College will utilize safe and effective practices to control structural, nuisance, greenhouse and landscape pests.

To minimize risk from both pests and pesticides, the college will implement an integrated pest management (IPM) program. IPM emphasizes preventing and reducing pest problems by using proactive, non-chemical control practices, rather than responding to a pest crisis through the use of pesticides. IPM relies on a combination of common sense strategies. IPM programs take advantage of all pest management options possibly including, but not limited to, the judicious use of pesticides.

All outside contractors must comply with the campus IPM policy and procedures.


IPM Coordinator

  • The grounds manager shall be designated as the IPM coordinator and will oversee the implementation of the IPM policy on the campus as a whole. This position is required to be on the integrated pest management coordinating committee that is made up of IPM coordinators of other state agencies; they will meet twice yearly.

The IPM coordinator will coordinate with the responsible Bellevue College employees in affected departments/areas to acquire a WSDA pesticide applicators license and the continued education required to maintain the license. Individual departments will be responsible for funding this license obtaining process and continued educations to maintain licenses.

Pesticide Applicators

  • Pesticide applicators will be educated and trained in the principles and practices of IPM. They must follow regulations and label precautions. Applicators should be licensed through the Washington state department of agriculture and comply with the campus IPM policy.


  • There are three departments/areas on campus that are responsible for applying pesticides, including; building and grounds, the baseball field, and the science divisions’ academic greenhouse. Each department will be responsible for the development of an IPM plan that applies to their individual area.

As required by law, pesticide application records will be used for every pesticide application. Bellevue College will use “Pesticide Application Record (Version 1)” designed by Washington state department of agriculture. Records are required to be kept for seven years.

The following departments will be individually responsible for keeping pesticide application records, pest monitoring records, material safety data sheets, and pesticide labels for the pesticides used in each area:

  • Buildings/grounds applications – grounds manager
  • Baseball field applications – baseball coach
  • Science division/greenhouse applications – science lab manager



  • For the purpose of this policy, a “pest” includes any insect, rodent, nematode, snail, weed, fungus or other forms of plant or animal life that adversely interferes with the health, safety, aesthetic, environmental or economic goals of the college. A pest does not include viruses or microorganisms on or in a living person or animal, but shall include plant diseases.


  • The term “pesticide” includes any chemical agent registered as a pesticide by the Washington State Department of Agriculture, which includes herbicides, insecticides, rodenticides, fungicides, or other chemicals that repels, changes the regular growth rate of, kills, or otherwise reduces levels of a targeted pest or pests.

Integrated Pest Management

  • “Integrated pest management” (IPM) means a coordinated decision-making and action process that uses the most appropriate pest control methods and strategy in an environmentally and economically sound manner to meet agency programmatic pest management objectives.

Relevant Laws and Other Resources

Revision History

Original 6/28/2005
Revisions 5/21/2009; 9/17/2012; 5/13/2015

Approved By

President’s Cabinet

Last Updated May 13, 2015