Original Date: 6/25/1996 * Last Revision Effective: 10/27/2023
Policy Contact: Vice President, Administrative Services
The following procedures are established to meet the requirements for implementing policy #6500 – Children on Campus.
As a general rule, employees and students shall not bring children with them to their work sites or to classes. Employees and students may bring children to their work sites and/or classrooms only in special circumstances, and then only upon approval by their instructor (for students) or supervisor (for employees), and upon their compliance with college rules.
No employee, student, or visitor to the college shall leave a child unsupervised at the college, nor may such person leave a child with a college employee or student, unless that child is enrolled in an authorized program of the college.
Bellevue College offers certain programs and activities targeted towards children, such as head start, parent education, computer camps, or sports camps. The college provides supervision for children enrolled in these activities. Bellevue College also provides child care in its daycare facility. The college does not supervise children outside of such programs for children which are officially sanctioned by the college; and neither the college nor its employees, agents, or students may accept responsibility to do so on behalf of the college.
Unsupervised children on the Bellevue College campus will be referred to public safety for assistance, and may be asked to leave.
This procedure pertains to all employees and persons who visit the college, participate in classes, and/or programs, events, or other activities.
For purposes of these procedures and pursuant to RCW 13.34.030–the Juvenile Court Act, RCW 74.13.020–Child Welfare Services, and RCW 26.28.010–Age of Majority, a child is any individual under the age of 18.
Relevant Laws and Other Resources
Revision History
Original 6/25/1996
Revisions 5/10/2005; 5/21/2009; 10/15/2015; 10/27/2023
Approved By
President’s Cabinet
Last Updated October 30, 2023