Make the Climate Teach-In Pledge!

Logo with text: Living in a changing climate - Earth week 2013 - Bellevue College

During Earth Week this year, the Environmental Advisory Committee and the Student Sustainability and Science Association are asking all faculty to pledge to teach climate change in some way, big or small. I urge you to support this effort.  The goal is to reach 500 sections and thousands of students during Earth Week; April 22nd to 26th. This might be a 5 minute math problem that uses a climate example, a class discussion on alternate fuels, a lecture (or part of a lecture), a case study, climate inspired art, etc. or bringing your class to an Earth Week speaker or film; every faculty member can contribute in some way!

Please pledge your commitment to Teach Climate Change during Earth Week by filling in your name and the number of sections you’re teaching this quarter by following the link below:

Make the Climate Teach-in Pledge

For teaching resources go to Climate Teaching Resources or the Earth Week Website and Schedule and the Sustainability Teaching and Learning Guide (LibGuide).

Last Updated April 15, 2013