Business Majors Enlightened by Sustainability Conference

Last month’s AASHE conference in Portland really got me thinking about our current systems and how many American’s ideologies and habits make mobilizing a strong sustainability movement very tough.

Being surrounded by people who are educated and well aware of the environmental realities our planet is facing, I found myself thinking about these problems and why many of them are not being fixed. AASHE’s breakout sessions and thought-talks were about identifying problems, proposing solutions, and implementing action. Because businesses primary focus is about economic growth and maximizing profits, environmental consciousness and sustainable ethics are not often the primary concern of businesses, which poses a particular threat considering the alarming environmental degradation and irreversible damage humans have inflicted on the planet in the last one-hundred years. I questioned how I could pursue my business interests without facing the many ethical dilemmas that clash with my position on environmental sustainability.

AASHE enlightened me of the array of business opportunities there are to serve the environmental needs of our planet while still providing quality, useful products for consumers. In fact, I believe those companies who choose to focus on sustainable development, corporate social responsibility, and community building will be the ones who prosper in the next generation- attracting the much more informed and socially conscious young people of today. In talks with some of my business classmates, people are always discussing their next big invention, brand, or idea. Rather than thinking of the next big thing to try and sell people on, some new device or t-shirt brand that feeds the consumptive American spirit, I’ve realized the better, more challenging but rewarding focus would be to instead look to solutions to these problems. Modern capitalism and businesses create remarkable varieties of products which hold no social value at all and are perpetuating the unsustainable use of scarce physical and natural resources. Personally I want to create a sustainable consulting business that helps brands and companies not just market that they are green, but really take the initiative to make a change within their systems to take into account their ecological footprint.

Though I don’t know where sustainability in business will take me, the career landscape is wide open. From starting a retail store that sells sustainably sourced products, to making machines which help businesses harness and store their energy more efficiently, the only limitations are our mind and will power to change. The planet has millions of issues- small and big that need to be addressed. These could lead to millions of profitable solutions that will transform the future of our planet and the quality of our environment! Business students of today must rise to the ecological realities and challenges of today and respond with creative solutions that serve the environmental, eonomic, and social needs of tomorrow!”

-Christian Moore; Business Sustainability Major

The AASHE conference in Portland inspired me to look into sustainability transformation and to incorporate sustainability into my business career. The conference gave me a a basic idea of how to be environmentally friendly and most importantly it inspired me to be an agent of change. It installed hope, courage, accountability and stewardship in me.

After the conference I began taking responsibility for some of the issues on campus. I looked into replacing harmful ink cartridges on campus and worked with students to learn more about recycling computers. The conference helped me increase my value for our surroundings and it taught me how to care for it.

Because of AASHE my view on business has changed. I now believe that entrepreneurship revolves around innovative technology and sustainability. This new profound perspective has shaped me to emerge as a distinguished student leader on campus and as a business owner.”

-Gebriel Amare; Business Management Major




Last Updated November 27, 2014