Northwest Society of Interior Designers April 17th Event-Looking Ahead To Your Interior Design Practice

The Northwest Society of Interior Designers are hosting a monthly meeting at the Seattle Design Center
April 17th from 4:30-8:30. The focus of this month’s meeting is Looking Ahead to Your Interior Design Practice.

4:30-5:30: Tour the Seattle Design Center, stopping at four showrooms along the way.

5:30-6:30: Food + meet & network with NWSID members and other students at the William and Wayne Showroom (suite 203).

6:30-7:15: A brief business meeting & a few works from the four showroom owners/managers.

7:15-8:30: A panel of four successful interior designers answer your questions.

Free to all interior design students!

For (required) pre-registration for this event, contact by April 10, 2018 or rsvp via

Last Updated August 7, 2024