6150P Serving Alcoholic Beverages on Campus (Procedures)

Original Date: 10/1/1995 * Last Revision Effective: 1/7/20
Policy Contact: Vice President, Administrative Services


The following procedures are established to meet the requirements for implementing policy #6150 – Alcoholic Beverages on Campus.


Permission to Serve Alcohol

  • Alcohol Permit Form. An event sponsor should first obtain an Alcohol Permit Form from the BC Forms Library of the BC Events Office and submit the completed form to the events office. The request will be routed to the office of the provost for approval.
  • Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board Permit. the event sponsor is responsible for obtaining all necessary permits from the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board, submitting them to the events office, and adhering to its process. The events office will maintain a copy of the permit in accordance with Washington State record retention rules.
  • Provost Approval. Upon approval by the provost or their designee of the alcohol permit form and issuance of a Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board permit, alcoholic beverages may be served at the approved event location. The provost or their designee are authorized to approve alcohol service for a series of re-occurring events taking place up to a year from the date of the first event.
  • Public Safety Security Evaluation. The events office will notify BC Public Safety of on-campus events that have been issued a permit to serve alcoholic beverages. Public safety will evaluate the need for security personnel. It is highly recommended that event sponsors secure an alcohol permit and submit it to the events office at least ten (10) days prior to the event in order for public safety to evaluate security needs and provide personnel, if possible. If security personnel are required for the vent, but public safety is unable to provide that security, then the event sponsor must arrange for third party security to be on site. The events office must verify that third party security services are license, bonded, and insured.
  • Alcohol Servers. Servers must be 21 years of age or older and must possess a fold handler’s permit. the events office will provide a trained in-house server or an external trained alcohol server for events.

Event Sponsor Requirements for Alcohol Sales or Service

  • All use of alcoholic beverages shall be governed by the law of the State of Washington as interpreted by the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board. The approved permit for the event shall be posted in proximity of where the alcoholic beverages will be consumed and in public view.
  • All persons consuming alcohol on college property must present acceptable proof of legal age to the attendant security officer. The following unexpired documents are the only acceptable proofs to verify that a person is of legal age to consume alcoholic beverages: state driver’s license or ID card with photo, Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board identification card, United States armed forces identification card, passport, or Merchant Marine identification card issued by the United States Coast Guard.
  • No person who is under the influence of alcohol or dangerous substances or who is disorderly in conduct shall be allowed to dispense, serve, or consume alcoholic beverages. The attendant security personnel are responsible for making the final decision to serve or not.
  • No alcoholic beverages may be consumed outside the specific area approved for the event (e.g. room, building).
  • Event sponsors are required to provide non-alcoholic drinks at events where alcohol is provided.
  • No state monies shall be used to purchase any alcoholic beverages or to pay any license fees or related expenses.
  • The college events staff, public safety staff and the City of Bellevue Police Department have the right to cancel the consumption of alcoholic beverages in the event that the Washington State Liquor and Cannabis Board regulations are violated.
  • The event sponsor agrees to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless Bellevue College, District VIII, its officers, employees and agents (the “indemnitees”) against and from any and all liability, loss or damage the indemnitees may suffer as a result of claims, demands, costs, or judgments, including reasonable attorneys’ fees against the indemnitees arising from or relating to the event that is the subject of this procedure, including any claims, demands, costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees), or judgments against the indemnitees, arising from or relating to the service or consumption of alcoholic beverages at such event.
  • The event sponsor agrees to assume total and complete responsibility for adherence to all rules and regulations that apply to the provision of alcoholic beverages at events and to the forfeiture of any event deposits if any action is brought against the above named indemnitees or if violation of rules occurs.

General Guidelines Related to Employees

  • Alcohol Consumption by Employees. Employees attending an on-campus event during their scheduled working hours are not allowed to consume alcohol. This prohibition against consuming alcohol also applies to employees whenever they attend an on-campus event in their official capacity.
  • Event Attendance. The college cannot require employees to attend events where alcohol is served.

Revision History

Original 10/1/1995
Revisions 3/22/2005; 3/10/2009; 5/21/2009; 9/17/2012; 5/13/2015; 1/7/20

Approved By

President’s Cabinet

Last Updated March 13, 2020