Build your personal class schedule for an upcoming quarter. Because the Schedule Planner provides real-time access, the schedules you create are based on up-to-the-minute class information. Feel free to ask for assistance if you need it!
About Schedule Planner
The Schedule Planner allows you to designate times during the week when you do not want to schedule classes. It can also check your college records to make sure you meet the prerequisites for your classes. You can use the planner to generate several schedule variations to see which one best suits your needs. You can also print the schedules you create for use when you register in person or by telephone.
To create a class schedule, complete the following procedures, which describe how to use each of the Schedule Planner forms.
Using the Log-in form
- On the Student Menu, click Schedule Planner to display the Log In form.
- From the Select Quarter drop-down list, choose the quarter you want to schedule.
- From the Select Location drop-down list, choose All Locations. At a later point, you may be able to choose Main Campus or Distance Education.
- Click the Select Courses button. The Select Courses form is displayed.
Using the Select Courses form
- Use the Time Grid on the Select Courses form to reserve those times when you do not want classes to be scheduled.
When you click a time block, the word “Reserve” is displayed in that block. If you change your mind, click the block again to clear it. You can reserve an entire day by clicking the block at the top of each column (Mon, Tue, and so on). You can reserve a time for the entire week by clicking the block at the beginning of each row (06:30 am, 07:30 am, and so on). You can clear the entire grid and start over by clicking Clear, in the upper-left corner of the grid. - In the course fields on the left side of the form, type the courses you want to schedule, for example, ENGL 101, MATH 070, and HIST 220.
You can display an alphabetical list of all courses for the quarter by clicking the View Course List button at the bottom of the form. Clicking a course on this list automatically adds it to one of the course fields. - If you want the planner to check your college records to make sure you satisfy the prerequisites for the courses you select, click the Check For Prerequisites check box. In the form that appears, type your student identification number (SID) and click OK.
If you are a new student, or if for some other reason you do not have a record at the college, you can skip this step. The Schedule Planner will still inform you if there are prerequisites for a class after you submit your selections. - Click the Submit Selections button. The Build Schedule form is then displayed.
Using the Build Schedule and Schedule forms
The Build Schedule form displays a list of open classes that fit within the schedule of available times you specified using the Time Grid on the Select Courses form. Detailed information about each class is provided, including the number of credits or clock hours, meeting day and time, location, instructor’s name, and the remaining number of seats available.
For certain classes, a button labeled with a number is displayed in the Notes column. When you click the button, additional information about the class is displayed. This information concerns classes that require prerequisites, corequisites, or the instructor’s permission to register; classes that are linked to other classes; and classes scheduled to start before or after the first week of the quarter.
- Click the Select check box for one of the open class sections of each course.
If you select a class that causes a time conflict with a previously selected class, an advisory message is displayed. - When you have planned a schedule that meets your needs, click the Display My Schedule button.
Your schedule is displayed in the Schedule form both as a time grid and as a list of classes with detailed information. At the bottom of the form, a list of the open classes that you did not select in step 1 is displayed. - To print this schedule, use the Print function for your browser.
- If you want to generate schedule variations using other combinations of open classes, click the Go Back button to return to the Build Schedule form.
If you understand how Schedule Planner works, click to continue.
Last Updated July 25, 2024