New tool to Cut Printing on Student Computers

In the past year alone, Bellevue College students and employees have printed 7 MILLION copies of paper.  Printing is a major source of waste as nearly 90% of printed copies are discarded. It cost approximately $50,000 a year to fund paper and toner just in the N-Lab. It is time for a change!

As you all have probably noticed the College has installed ‘Papercut’; an icon on the top right hand of you desktop screen to track your paper usage at the request of the Associated Student Government (ASG). It starts off with 100.00 points for students and goes down as you print paper.

Although it’s not charging you, it will provide you with the cost of your printing. The points are currently just being used as a marker for the system.  The 100 is basically equivalent to two reams of paper (1000 sheets).  Basically each print jobs counts as .10.  So 10 prints would bring the 100 down to 99 and so forth.

Now you can be aware of the amount you print and can make sure not to print out unnecessary documents. For example, checking your command before printing any document is important, so that you do not print out a 34 pages syllabus when you need just 3 pages from it. This is just the beginning of our exciting campaign to reduce waste and save money.  Print responsibly.


Last Updated November 19, 2013