CS 485 Computer Science Co-Op/Practicum

Four CS students work on their laptops in a classroom.

Application Guidelines

To register for CS 485, make sure you get an official offer (e.g., a letter of appointment on company) for a qualified internship. The letter should include:

  • Time frame for employment
  • Expected duties
  • Supervisor’s contact information
  • Signature from Supervisor

You may need to ask your supervisor to put together a letter stating the above information

Then, apply for credit by filling out the CS Internship Application Form and attach the official acceptance letter to your application.

To apply for credit, fill out the CS Internship Application form and attach a copy of offer letter and email it to CS Program Manager (cs@bellevuecollege.edu) with subject line “CS 485 Internship Registration”.

After receiving the above items, if approved, permission will be granted for you to register for the course for 1, 3 or 5 credit hours based on the review committee decision and the following scheme.

5 Credits>20 hours/week
3 Credits10<x<=20 hours/week
1 Credit<= 10 hours/week

To earn credit, students are supposed to complete the following assignments

  • Internship Report based on the template provided by the program
  • Employer Evaluation based on employer rubric provided by the program
  • Updated Resume


How many times can I take the internship class?

You can register for the internship class at most two times. A maximum of 5 credits counts toward the technical elective requirement.  If you register twice then only 5 credits apply to upper division electives (not 10 credits).

Will the department help me secure an internship position?

Unfortunately, the CS department is unable to assist you in locating a position.

What types of positions qualify for the internship program?

Software Engineer/Developer, Database Developer, Full-Stack Developer, Mobile or Web App Developer are examples of positions that will be approved

What types of positions DO NOT qualify for the internship program?

Apple Care Store, Video Game Tester, Software Configuration Support are examples of positions that will not be approved.

CS485 Application Guidelines Sheet

View and download the application guidelines listed above.

CS485 Application Form

Please complete this form and return it to the Department of Computer Science Office at least two weeks before you register CS 485 Computer Science Co-op/Practicum.

Last Updated September 16, 2023