

The Diversity Caucus is an affinity group of faculty, administrators, staff, and students at Bellevue College committed to the improvement of the diversity profile at the college. In order to advance its goal of improving the diversity profile of the college such that the college is on par with premier institutions of this nation, the Diversity Caucus will:

  • Encourage its members to secure representation on all the key committees of the college to ensure that diversity is incorporated in all facets of campus community.
  • Provide mentoring to marginalized faculty, staff, and students.
  • Act as an umbrella organization and provide communication between all diversity programs, committees, and initiatives of the college.
  • Provide archival services for diversity programs via a website.
  • Act as a central repository and sounding board for diversity.
  • Document diversity issues in the college.

To join the Diversity Caucus list serve please email glenn.jackson@bellevuecollege.edu