Geography as a Discipline

As a discipline, geography seeks to identify and to explain spatial relationships inherent in mankind’s existence on a dynamic Earth. Mankind increasingly influences the physical environment and in return is impacted by those same forces of nature. Geographers study both the human and physical components of life on Earth and address the relationships between mankind and the environment.

Geography Courses

The Geography Department at Bellevue College offers a significant number of courses. The Introduction to Geography class allows the student an opportunity to sample the most significant components in both physical and human areas of the subject. The physical landscape can be studied more deeply in classes at the 200 level. Notably, in Landforms and Landform Processes, which transfers as a laboratory science, and in Weather, Climate, Vegetation and Soils, which transfers as a natural science class, and is available in both the traditional classroom setting as well as by arrangement as a self-paced class. Other 200 level classes regularly include: Geography of the Pacific Northwest , Economic Geography, and Cultural Geography. Other classes at the 100 level that are frequently offered are: World Regional Geography and Geography of World Affairs. The latter class is jointly offered within the International Studies Department.

Check the BC Online Catalog for distribution requirements, course descriptions and other information.

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