
Social sciences focuses on the study of people, as individuals and as members of societies, as well as the systems and environments that they create. Many aspects of the field overlap with the natural sciences and humanities, although social sciences has developed its own intellectual tradition and methodologies. It has given rise to some of the most important intellectual work of the modern world. This work has deepened our knowledge of humanity and revealed the complexity and richness of the human condition.

Why Choose Social Sciences Courses at Bellevue College?

  • Bellevue College offers one of the widest arrays of social science courses in Washington state.
  • Students develop a complex understanding of the social world, human behavior, and themselves, often coming to see the world in a new and exciting way.
  • Bellevue College requires at least 15 social science credits to earn a transfer degree (AAS-DTA). Most courses in the division fulfill that requirement; some courses fulfill the natural sciences or humanities requirements.
  • The social sciences division offers multiple courses that fulfill Bellevue College’s Diversity Degree requirement.
  • The departments within the social sciences division offer a variety of course maps to get you ready to transfer and major in a social sciences discipline.


  • Social Science, Public Service & Community Engagement
  • Business
  • Humanities & Communication

Career Opportunities

  • Education
  • Government
  • Journalism
  • Business
  • Counseling
  • Law
  • Research
  • Media
  • Finance

You Are Welcome Here

Bellevue College and the Social Science Division do not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, language, ethnicity, religion, veteran status, sex, sexual orientation, including gender identity or expression, disability, or age in its programs and activities. Please see policy 4150.

The following people have been designated to handle inquiries regarding non-discrimination policies:

  • Title IX Coordinator, 425-564-2641, Office C227;
  • EEOC/504 Compliance Officer, 425-564-2178, Office R130.

Please see BC’s detailed equal opportunity statement.

Please Note:  Our Division website and related program webpages undergo frequent updates & revisions, but contact us if you see any errors or have any questions.