The International Education and Global Initiatives Division (IEGI) is to become the regional center for international education by providing students, scholars, staff, and faculty with excellent services and holistic learning experiences.
The International Education and Global Initiatives Division (IEGI) actively promotes global and intercultural understanding and enriches the academic and cultural environment at Bellevue College by creating and maintaining programs that encourage the exchange of cultures and ideas.
IEGI strives to:
- Recruit and admit students from increasingly diverse locations across the globe and to support them from pre-enrollment through post-graduation.
- Educate and advise international students and scholars regarding academic programs and immigration policies.
- Prepare future global leaders by facilitating opportunities to grow holistically by gaining new knowledge, developing character, discovering and respecting global perspectives through study and practical experiences.
- Identify opportunities for staff, faculty, and administrators to acquire international education experience.
- Encourage faculty, staff, and student exchange through the development of global partnerships.
- Collaborate with faculty to infuse a global component within the curriculum.
- Develop living and learning communities for international students and international visitors.
Last Updated June 9, 2022