Original Date: 7/10/2003 * Last Revision Effective: 5/13/2015
Policy Contact: Vice President, Information Technology Services
The primary purpose of the Bellevue College computer labs is to provide computing technology resources for students, and to facilitate the exchange of information related to, and in furtherance of, the education, research, and administrative missions of the college.
However, as a college in the public service, Bellevue College frequently provides access to resources for community members and private entities when such resources are not in direct use for academic purposes, provided such use substantially relates to and does not interfere with the mission of the college. This community access to Bellevue College facilities includes access to the computer classrooms, computer labs, and electronic classrooms on campus.
This policy is intended to provide community members and all off-campus renters with guidelines for responsible and appropriate use of Bellevue College campus computing and technology resources and facilities. It supplements Bellevue College policy #6100 – Facilities Use, policy #4400 – Acceptable Use of State Resources, and the policy #5300 – Computer Labs. All of the tenets of those policies, and any other applicable Bellevue College policies, procedures and/or standards apply to the use of the assets defined in this policy.
All renters must agree to and abide by all Bellevue College policies, including Bellevue College policy #4400 – Acceptable Use of State Resources, policy #5150 – Acceptable Use of Information Technology, and policy #5000 – Acceptable Use of Bellevue College Computers. Compliance with Bellevue College standards and policies apply as well to those renting Bellevue College facilities when using a Bellevue College computer lab technology resource to navigate through networks or computing systems beyond the local Bellevue College systems.
The vice president of information technology services (ITS) has designated the director of computing services as the facility program manager for all computing resources and facilities on campus. The director has primary responsibility for all aspects of the operation of computer labs on campus and has the authority to interpret this policy, all Bellevue College IT security policies and standards, and any directives from the state or the college administration with regard to computing labs, the physical and virtual facilities used to support the computing labs, and the Bellevue College networks.
Bellevue College policy #5300 – Computer Labs governs the use of the Bellevue College technology resources and the facilities housing them. Any entity and/or individual authorized to rent any computer labs will follow its principles and guidelines.
Bellevue College, through its administrative representatives, reserves the right to determine, at any time, what constitutes appropriate use of the Bellevue College technology resources and the Bellevue College network resources, including any access and/or any computing services provided by Bellevue College.
Use of Bellevue College Computer Labs
No college facilities, including computer labs, computer classrooms and electronic classrooms, may be used by individuals or groups from outside the college unless the facilities have been reserved. The events office is designated as the agent of the college authorized to schedule facilities, and consummate rental and use agreements.
This policy is not intended to limit academic freedom in any way, but provides for the proper exercise of those freedoms. Authorized renters of Bellevue College computer facilities may:
- Use Bellevue College-owned computers and programs at the individual’s authorized access level.
- Use Bellevue College-provided networking, including access to the internet.
- Use computing and networking facilities and resources in a manner that is consistent with the mission and educational purpose of Bellevue College.
Using Bellevue College technology resources for uses and/or communications that are specifically prohibited in Bellevue College policy #4400 – Acceptable Use of State Resources, or which violate any other Bellevue College policy and/or state and federal rule or law is strictly forbidden. Violation of these is grounds for immediate revocation of the rental contract and the privilege of using the resource.
Specifically prohibited uses of any Bellevue College technology resource include:
- Subverting, attempting to subvert, or assisting others to subvert or breach the security of any Bellevue College network or technology resource, or to facilitate unauthorized access.
- Use of any Bellevue College technology resource to create, disseminate or execute self-replicating or destructive programs (e.g., viruses, worms, Trojan horses).
- Participating in activities involving disclosure or masquerading as defined in this policy.
- Viewing, copying, altering or destroying data, software, documentation or data communications belonging to Bellevue College, or to another individual, without permission.
- Individuals allowing another individual (authorized or not to use the BC technology resource) to use provided login account passwords.
- Using Bellevue College computing resources for personal or private financial gain without written authorization.
- The use agreement will spell out any exceptions to this prohibition for non-Bellevue College renters using the facilities.
Permission and privileges to utilize these student computing facilities may be withdrawn for any violation of Bellevue College IT security policies and procedures. The process provided to adjudicate the loss of these privileges is described in the procedures document #5350P – Use of Bellevue College Computer Facilities by Outside Groups Procedures.
Additional Limitations on Use
In addition to those prohibited uses identified above, all limitations on the use of Bellevue College facilities as defined in Bellevue College policy # 6100 – Facilities Use apply to the use of the Bellevue College technology facilities. These include limitations based on advertising, alcohol use, animals, commercial activities, disruption of college operations, interference with ingress and egress to college facilities, firearms and weapons, past abuses, political activity, public safety, sound amplification, and trespass.
Student Network
All computer labs, computer classrooms, and electronic classrooms at Bellevue College are connected to the student network. Use of the computers in any Bellevue College computing lab is controlled by login and password-secured accounts managed through that network.
Any non-student wishing to use the computers in any electronic classroom, computer lab or computer classroom will have student network login accounts created for them by computing services. These accounts will be created and disseminated following the processes described in the procedures document #5350P – Use of Bellevue College Computer Facilities by Outside Groups Procedures.
Labs and Classrooms
Bellevue College has four types of computing facilities available for rental by outside agencies. These facilities are: electronic classrooms, computer classrooms, specialized labs and open computer labs. The processes for scheduling use of any of these facilities will follow the processes described in the procedures document #5350P – Use of Bellevue College Computer Facilities by Outside Groups Procedures.
Electronic Classrooms
Electronic classrooms on campus provide multimedia capabilities for instruction from a single, centralized instructor station.
- Computer classrooms
These are computer labs used by instructors wishing to provide hands-on technical instruction in a classroom environment. The numbers of computers in these classrooms vary. Current information concerning available facilities can be obtained from computing services.
- Specialized labs
Bellevue College has a number of computer labs dedicated to specific programs on campus, equipped with specialized hardware and software devoted to supporting the program’s unique educational mission. These labs may only be used by renters outside Bellevue College with specific permission from the program, and is usually arranged through the office of the program chair responsible for the lab, in consultation with the director of computing services.
- Open labs
Because of the nature of the configuration and use of the open labs, they are generally not rented for teaching purposes. However, at times entities outside Bellevue College need facilities that provide a function consistent with the mission of the open labs, and these rooms may be rented for those functions. Because the open labs are the most frequently used Bellevue College technology resource, the availability of these facilities for rental is extremely limited.
Lab Assistants/ Support Technicians
Generally, there will not be immediate technical assistance available to respond to problems in rented labs. Computing services may be able to provide lab assistants to renters, upon request, for an additional hourly charge. These assistants are available only to help with the use of the Bellevue College equipment, but provide very limited technical support. Information technology services may also, upon request, provide support technicians for an event, at a higher hourly rate. The costs associated with this type of direct support for renters are subject to negotiation with the director of computing services, in accordance with Bellevue College policy # 6100 – Facilities Use.
Security Rights
Renters are granted standard security privileges, or access, to the computing equipment in Bellevue College computer labs sufficient to accomplish their educational goals. Additional security privileges, if needed, can be requested through information resources. Individual decisions to elevate security rights beyond the standard rights available in the specific facility will be made by a network system administrator. The business impact of the request will be evaluated and balanced against the potential risk and threat to the student network, using the IT security standard addressing security privileges as a guideline.
General Lab Rules
All general lab rules spelled out in Bellevue College policy #5300 – Computer Labs apply to the use of rented computing facilities. The primary contact representing the renter will be given a copy of those rules upon signing the contract, and will be held responsible for ensuring that the rules are observed.
In addition, there may be signs, posters, and/or announcements posted, either in print or electronically, in any Bellevue College computing facility providing information deemed appropriate by the director of computing services related to the use of that facility. Renters are expected to comply with all postings in all rented facilities.
The following rules are reiterated here to clarify any exceptions which apply to rented facilities.
- Children in labs
Bellevue College computer labs are learning resources whose primary audience is adults. Children under the age of sixteen (16) will not be allowed in any Bellevue College computer lab unless specific written authorization has been granted by the director of computing services. The primary exception to this is when they are registered for an event or class.
- Printing
Printers are provided in rented Bellevue College computer labs as part of the cost of renting the facility. Renters will exercise discretion in the use of printers in computing labs. Print usage on the student network is actively monitored for abuse. Any renters identified as printing excessively will be asked to comply with this policy, and may be assessed additional costs. Subsequent violations may result in immediate revocation of privileges and denial of future rental use.
- Data storage
Renters may not store files on the hard drives of any lab computers without specific permission from computing services. Renters may negotiate permission to do this for those enrolled in classes in which the ability to store files locally or on the network is an integral part of the classroom curriculum. ITS personnel will configure the storage space and provide instructions on how to access it in advance of the event. Any data stored in this manner will be immediately removed upon conclusion of the event.
- Clean workspaces/ lost/ stolen property
Any materials brought into a computer lab by renters should be taken out when the event is finished. After classes held in computer labs, instructors will clean any whiteboard, ensure that students have cleaned their workspaces, and clean up any printing area. Bellevue College cannot be responsible for lost or stolen items left in any lab. Items left after the rental of any facility will be sent to the public safety office for appropriate handling.
- Equipment in labs
No equipment or furniture in any labs may be moved within a lab, or removed from a lab, without permission of the director of computing services. This includes all computer hardware, including monitors, mice and keyboards and peripheral devices, such as surge protectors, printers or scanners. The only exception is that chairs within the lab may be moved for the duration of the event.
No renters should disconnect any technology resources from any computer or network connection without prior approval. All damaged equipment discovered in any lab should be reported to computing services immediately. Renters will be held liable for any damage to Bellevue College equipment or property which occurs.
- Sensitive materials
All Bellevue College computer labs are considered public places. Renters should be aware that some materials accessed on the internet may be considered controversial, offensive, inappropriate or inaccurate. Bellevue College asks renters, out of consideration for others, to take care not to display, or broadcast in any public Bellevue College facility, any images, sounds or messages that could create an atmosphere of discomfort, harassment or intimidation for others, and to refrain from transmitting such images, sounds or messages to others using Bellevue College computing resources.
Viewing materials which might create a hostile work environment will not be permitted. Violations of this prohibition may result in action as described in the “investigations” and “sanctions” sections of the procedures document #5350P – Use of Bellevue College Computer Facilities by Outside Groups Procedures.
In some situations, the display or broadcast of such materials is necessary to further a legitimate educational purpose. In such cases, Bellevue College asks that renters be sensitive to the public nature of shared facilities, and make arrangements to access these materials in a private environment.
- Hacking
Unauthorized access to accounts, files or data held on Bellevue College computing systems, or the use of Bellevue College computing systems and networks to access any other system without authority is a violation of these policies and potentially a criminal offence. Such unauthorized access is prohibited, and will result in immediate revocation of privileges. Violations of this prohibition may result in action as described in the “investigations” and “sanctions” sections of the procedures document #5350P – Use of Bellevue College Computer Facilities by Outside Groups Procedures.
All renters of the Bellevue College computer labs have a responsibility to know, understand, and meet all the expectations of this and all other Bellevue College IT security policies, standards and procedures. Such renters also have an obligation to obey or comply with the directions of the director of computing services and/or an authorized designee. Renters assume any civil and/or criminal liability which may arise from individual use or misuse of Bellevue College technology resources.
Bellevue College and its representatives also have responsibilities under this policy. These include the responsibilities for providing the equipment and services contracted for and for the logging and monitoring of the network and computing systems. Bellevue College also has the responsibility of providing to renters adequate information concerning the policies which affect any rented Bellevue College facilities or resources. Additional specific responsibilities include:
- Events, the campus public safety office and the Bellevue College finance office have policy and law enforcement responsibilities regarding the renting of Bellevue College facilities, which are spelled out in Bellevue College policy #6100 – Facilities Use. Computing services also has responsibility for enforcement of this policy and all Bellevue College policies, and will coordinate with those other units as necessary to ensure renter compliance with all mandates and requirements.
- Events Office
The events office is designated as the agent of the college authorized to schedule facilities and consummate use agreements. No college facilities may be used by individuals or groups from outside the college unless arrangements have been made through that office. Priorities for facilities scheduling will be in accordance with Bellevue College policy #6100 – Facilities Use.
- Computing Services (CS)
Computing services may act on behalf of events and the college with regards to scheduling the use of computer labs, classrooms and electronic classrooms, and will coordinate all scheduling with events.
Policy Maintenance
- Computing Services
The responsibility for maintenance and administration of this policy rests with the director of computing services. CS has primary responsibility for the computer labs, electronic classrooms, and all issues related to student technology use at Bellevue College. CS is responsible for drafting any updates and changes to the policies and procedures, with input from other information technology services units and other affected units, as needed.
Computing services will also maintain an electronic copy of this policy and any related procedures and standards accessible to the public on the academic support website.
- Information Technology Services
An additional responsibility for maintenance and administration of this policy rests with the vice president of information technology services. ITS is responsible for reviewing and approving any updates and changes to the policies and procedures. ITS may also distribute the policy for campus review and will submit it for final approval by the college president. Once the policy has been approved, ITS will announce the new or revised policy to the campus providing a brief description of the policy and its implications for employees and other affected individuals or groups.
- Events Office
Events has responsibility for reviewing this policy in light of existing Bellevue College policies regarding the rental of Bellevue College facilities, and will ensure that no provision of this policy is in conflict with those policies, acting in an advisory capacity to ITS.
- Human Resources (HR)
The vice president of human resources is responsible for reviewing any updates and changes to this policy and procedures in light of current Bellevue College policies, providing input on the policy, and its implications for employees and other affected individuals or groups.
All terms defined in Bellevue College policy #4400 – Acceptable Use of State Resources, are applicable in this policy. In addition, the following are defined:
Lab assistants
- These are individuals, generally students, assigned to a particular lab, whose purpose is to facilitate the general use of the lab. They are familiar with the equipment and software in that lab, enabling them to provide users with assistance. They are versed in Bellevue College policies and procedures which apply to that lab, and may have rudimentary technical troubleshooting skills. They refer technical problems in labs to the Bellevue College support technicians. Lab Assistants are not able, nor authorized, to perform software installations or equipment repair without direct supervision from support technicians, or the director of computing services.
Support technicians
- These are full or part-time employees of the college able and authorized to fully support all equipment in the computer labs.
- Unless otherwise stated, “software” refers to and includes all freeware, shareware, and third-party products, as well as commercially acquired products.
Bellevue College network
- This includes the administrative and academic local area networks (LAN), the wide area networks (WAN) supporting sites separated from the main Bellevue College campus, internet connectivity, networked infrastructure devices such as hubs, switches and servers, CTC-Net, and all other computers, networks and electronic messaging systems operated for the benefit of Bellevue College employees and students.
Bellevue College technology resources
- Includes, but is not limited to, Bellevue College-owned desktop, laptop or mainframe computer hardware or software; software licenses; workstations; data systems; personal digital assistants; electronic messaging systems; e-mail systems; pagers; telephones—both wired and cellular; SCAN services; voice mail systems; fax machines; Bellevue College network resources, whether wire-based or wireless; internet connections, accounts or access; and documentation photocopiers authorized by Bellevue College to be used by employees, students and/or other campus users.
Unauthorized access
- Includes gaining access to accounts, resources, messages or files to which one is not granted privilege by the owner or sender.
Relevant Laws and Other Resources
- Revised Code of Washington
- Washington Administrative Code
- Bellevue College Policy #4400: Acceptable Use of State Resources
- Bellevue College Policy #5000: Acceptable Use of Bellevue College Computers
- Bellevue College Policy #5100: Software Licensing Compliance
- Bellevue College Policy # 5150: Acceptable Use of Information Technology
- Bellevue College Policy #5300: Computer Labs
- Bellevue College Policy #6100: Facilities Use
- Bellevue College Procedure #5350P: Use of Bellevue College Computer Facilities by Outside Groups Procedures
- Bellevue College IT Security Standard: Security Privileges
Revision History
Original 7/10/2003
Revision 5/21/2009; 9/17/2012; 5/13/2015
Approved By
President’s Cabinet
Last Updated August 20, 2024