Bellevue Parks & Community Services is Hiring!

Bellevue Parks & Community Services is currently recruiting for the position of Bellevue Well K.E.P.T. Program Crew Lead! Together with another crew lead, this position will organize, direct, and oversee the daily activities of a 10-person teen work crew. The Well K.E.P.T. Program is a summer youth employment opportunity offered through the Natural Resource Division of ...more about Bellevue Parks & Community Services is Hiring!

Seattle Public Utilities Environmental Justice Youth Poetry Competition

Environmental Justice Youth Poetry Competition

Seattle Public Utilities provide water, drainage and wastewater, and garbage and recycling services to residents in Seattle and the region. They've been working on our collective environmental justice framework to define and articulate our goals and guide our work. They’re seeking local poets to contribute pieces about circularity, water, resource management, natural resources, and environmental ...more about Seattle Public Utilities Environmental Justice Youth Poetry Competition

Become a Soil & Water Steward!

Become a Soil & Water Steward!  Join forces with community builders, changemakers, and climate activists in Tilth Alliance’s comprehensive, nine-month training. Learn about topics like food equity, sustainable gardening, composting systems, storm-water management, and more. Turn knowledge into action through impactful projects with community partners. Apply now! Applications accepted until March 10 for #Seattle and #KingCounty residents.

Habitat Restoration Event Feb. 21!

view of the greenway nursery which is full of nature and potted plants

Join the Sustainability Office in helping restore habitat with Mountains to Sound Greenway Trust at Lake Sammamish State Park on February 21, 11:45am-1pm. Anyone can join! Sign up here: We were there last year and potted over 160 plants!

Apply to be considered for a FREE all expenses paid trip to WOHESC 2024!

WOHESC 2024 is coming! The Washington Oregon Higher Education Sustainability Conference is a great opportunity to empower participants to advance action steps to create change! Fill out this application , by February 2nd to be considered in attending an all-expenses paid sustainability conference in Bellingham, WA on March 4th-6th. For more information about the conference ...more about Apply to be considered for a FREE all expenses paid trip to WOHESC 2024!

Participate in a Focus Group for The City of Bellevue to be Rewarded up to $150!

The City of Bellevue, Washington - Government is looking for community members to participate in paid online focus groups or interviews about how to improve the bicycle network in the city. These focus groups or interviews are online and available in English, Mandarin, and Spanish, with an available reward up to $150 for participating! Sign ...more about Participate in a Focus Group for The City of Bellevue to be Rewarded up to $150!