Intern Introductions

Terri Ramsey Hey There! I am very excited to join the Bellevue College Student Program department as the Project Development Intern supporting Deric Gruen and his team of Sustainability Interns.  My role is to encourage employee outreach programs at Bellevue College.  Projects are already underway and soon these projects will be a cornerstone of our ...more about Intern Introductions

Campus Access to Paperless Evaluations

Shifting the culture and campus social norms from the paper based student evaluations to a paperless system is no easy task.  There are certainly significant barriers like achieving a high return from students and maintaining  the integrity of the data for our tenure candidates. But could there be a better model that benefits all?  I think ...more about Campus Access to Paperless Evaluations

Greetings from BC’s new Sustainability Coordinator

Greetings! I am very pleased to join the Bellevue College community in a new position as the Sustainability Coordinator / Resource Conservation Manager.   This position was created out of a partnership between Campus Operations, which received a grant from Puget Sound Energy to reduce our energy consumption, and Student Programs, with resources from the Student ...more about Greetings from BC’s new Sustainability Coordinator

Bikes are Beautiful

The bike is an efficient invention. With it, I can integrate my task list.  Dropping my daughter off at preschool is the same thing as getting a work out.  Going to work is exercise.  I don't have to schedule time for each task, they are automatically integrated. When I bike I stimulate my blood flow which excites my brain, ...more about Bikes are Beautiful

Duplex printing in N250

It may not surprise you, but nobody on campus prints more than the students.  So at the request of students and in an effort to make a significant reduction in the amount of paper printed in the N250 Open Lab, Computing Services has recently set up duplex printing (ie double sided) as an option for all ...more about Duplex printing in N250

Pause the Printing

I've operated under a personal limited paper use policy for the last couple years. I don't use much paper and most of the paper littering my desk  has been given to me from some committee or meeting.  It sits in useless piles for a few months until I get up the nerve to use it as scratch ...more about Pause the Printing


Welcome to Bellevue College's Environmental Advisory Committee blog. Come back soon to read personal stories of sustainability at the college, and to see how Bellevue College is reducing its consumption and waste production.