If you are unsure which registration period applies to you, check with your teacher or go to: Key Dates and Deadlines.
IMPORTANT: The grade you receive for a college in the high school course becomes part of your official college transcript! Please pay attention to drop and withdrawal deadlines on the “Key Dates and Deadlines”; the link is in the menu on the upper left side of this page.
Complete the Washington State College Admission Application
NOTE: Use the following when you apply for College in the High School (when it asks on the application)
- You are enrolling as: a first-year student
- Your program is: non-award seeking**
- Your degree is: other**
**If you plan on coming to Bellevue College after high school graduation and you know what degree/program you want to go into, you can use that information in lieu of non-award seeking and degree other.
Admissions Application Guide (PDF file) Provided by the Bellevue School District
Once the State Admission Application has been processed (approximately 5-7 business days), a welcome email is sent from the college with your ctcLink ID and you will need to activate your ctcLink account.
Until you create your ctcLink account and set up a preferred email address, all communication is sent to your high school email. Email notifications sometimes end up in a spam or junk folder, so check those often.
Last Updated September 16, 2024