Dr. Fatma Cemile Serce is the founding faculty member of the first Bachelor of Science in Computer Science program offered at technical and community colleges in the state. Since 2016, she has been dedicated to her role as a Computer Science professor at Bellevue College. Dr. Serce earned her doctorate and master’s degrees in Information Systems, along with a second MS in Computer Education and Instructional Technology, all from Middle East Technical University in Turkey. She is also certified in Cloud Data Management and Analytics.
Before joining Bellevue College, Dr. Serce served as a professor and Vice Dean in the Faculty of Engineering at Atilim University in Turkey. Over the course of approximately 18 years, she accumulated valuable experience in curriculum development and teaching across a diverse range of subjects, including programming, data structures, computer architecture, operating systems, database systems, mobile application development, design patterns, object-oriented programming, and senior capstone project courses. Additionally, she is a co-author of a Turkish textbook on C++ programming.
Beyond her academic pursuits, Dr. Serce is a devoted mother of two and has a keen interest in Ebru, the Turkish Art of Marbling.
Here is the list of her publications:
• Serçe, F.C., Erpay, A., Kara, A., Unal, B., Ozgubar, D., Ozturk, A. and Sekerci, S. Design and Development of an Android Accessory, International Journal of Electronics and Electrical Engineering Vol. 3, No. 5, October 2015
• Castro-Hernández, A., Swigger, K., Serce, F.C. and and Lopez, V. Classification of Group Potency Levels of Software Development Student Teams, Polibits, Vol. 51, pp. 55-62, 2015.
• Milewski, A.E., Swigger, K. and Serce, F.C., Multi-Disciplinary, Global Student Collaboration, Human-Computer Systems Interaction: Backgrounds and Applications 3 Volume 300 of the series Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing pp 141-152, June 2014.
• Presentation on Android Accessory Development. Android Developer Days 2012
• Swigger, K., Hoyt, M., Serçe, F.C., Lopez, V. and Alpaslan, F.N. The temporal communication behaviors of global software development student teams, Computers in Human Behaviour, Volume 28 Issue 1, pp. 384-392, March 2012.
• Serçe, F.C., F.N. Alpaslan, and L. Jain. AILS, An Adaptive Intelligent Learning System, Handbook on Reasoning-based Intelligent Systems, K. Nakamatsu and L.C. Jain(ed.), World Scientific Publishing Company ( Book Chapter, Publication Date Apr 2012)
• Serce, F.C., Swigger, K., Alpaslan, F.N., Brazile, R., Dafoulas, G. And Lopez, V. Online collaboration: Collaborative behavior patterns and factors affecting globally distributed team performance Computers in Human Behavior Volume 27, Issue 1, pp. 490-503, January 2011.
• Serce, F.C., Swigger, K., Alpaslan, F.N., Brazile, R., Dafoulas, G. And Lopez, V. Exploring the communication behaviour among global software development learners, International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology – Vol. 40, No.3 pp. 203 – 215, 2011
• Fatma Cemile Serçe, Çiğdem Turhan, Ali Yazıcı, Universite Eğitiminde Açık Ders Malzemeleri, Cumhuriyet Newspaper, Bilim Eki ” 2011.
• Swigger, K., Serçe, F.C., K., Alpaslan, F.N., Brazile, R., Dafoulas, G., Lopez, V., Using Content and Text Classification Methods to Characterize Team Performance, IEEE Conference on Global Software Engineering Princeton, USA, August 23-26, 2010
• Serçe, F.C., Swigger, K., Alpaslan, F.N., Brazile, R., Dafoulas, G., Lopez, V. Strategies and Guidelines for Building Effective Distributed Learning Teams in Higher Education ITHET 2010.
• Serçe, F.C., Yazici, A., Turhan, Ç. And Cereci, İ. Analysis and Design of Open Courseware Search Engine with Automatic Curriculum Generation, MEUK Conference 2010.
• Swigger, K., Serçe, F.C., K., Alpaslan, F.N., Brazile, R., Dafoulas, G., Lopez, V., The Effects of Task Type on the Patterns of Communication Behaviors among Global Software Student Teams MEUK Conference 2010.
• Swigger, K., Alpaslan, F.N., Brazile, R., Dafoulas, G., Lopez, V., Serçe, F.C., The Challenges of Teaching Students How to Work in Global Software Teams, IEEE 2010 Transforming Engineering Education Workshop, 06 Apr – 09 Apr 2010, Dublin, Ireland
• Dafoulas, G., Barn, B., Abeysinghe, G., Zheng, Y., Swigger, K., Alpaslan, F.N., Brazile, R., Serçe, F.C., Lopez, V., Using Learning Management Systems As Support Mechanisms For Formative Feedback – The Case Of Lifelong Learning, International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies (EDULEARN 2010), Barcelona, Spain
• Kathleen Swigger, Ferda Nur Aplaslan, Robert Brazile, George Dafoulas, Victor Lopez, Fatma Cemile Serce, Structural factors that affect global software development learning team performance, SIGMIS CPR’09: Proceedings of the 2009 ACM SIGMIS Computer Personnel Research Conference, ACM, Conference of special interest group on management information systems , (2009), s.187-195
• Fatma Cemile Serce, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Kathleen Swigger, Robert Brazile, George Dafoulas, Victor Lopez, Exploring Collaboration Patterns among Global Software Development, ICGSE 2009: Fourth IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Proceeedings IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering , (2009), s.61-70 (Best Paper Nomination)
• Kathleen Swigger, Ferda Nur Aplaslan, Robert Brazile, George Dafoulas, Victor Lopez, Fatma Cemile, Serce, A Comparison of Team Assessment Measures for Global Software Development Learners, ICGSE 2009: Fourth IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, Proceeedings IEEE International Conference on Global Software Engineering, (2009), s.267-274
• Fatma Cemile Serce, Kathleen Swigger, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Robert Brazile, George Dafoulas, Victor Lopez, Interaction patterns among global software development learning teams, Proceedings of the 2009 International Symposium on Collaborative Technologies and Sysmtes, International conference collaborative technologies and systems, (2009), s.123-130 (Best Paper Award)
• Fatma Cemile Serce, Ferda Nur Aplaslan, Kathleen Swigger, Robert Brazile, George Dafoulas, Victor Lopez, Dynamics of Collaborative Work in Global Software Development Environment, eChallenges 2009 Conference , (2009)
• Nezaket Tezcan, Fatma Cemile Serçe, A Mobile Researcher Agent for Resource Sharing among Learning Management Systems., eChallenges 2009 Conference, (2009) (Runner Up Best Paper Award)
• Vïctor López Cabrera, Aris Castillo, Kathleen Swigger, Fatma Cemile Serce, George Dafoulas, Robert Brazile, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Evaluando Patrones de Interacción en Equipos de Aprendizaje Colaborativo para Desarrollo de Software Global: Cuatro Países, Tres Idiomas y un Proyecto Global., CONCAPAN XXIX , (2009), s. 2,57
• George Dafoulas, Kathleen Swigger, Robert Brazile, Ferda Nur Alpaslan, Victor Lopez, Fatma Cemile Serce, Futuristic models of collaborative work for today?s software development industry, IEEE, Proceedings of the 42nd Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences, (2009), s.p. 1-10
• Serçe, F. C, Alpaslan, F.N. MODA:Uyarlanabilir bir çoklu Ajan Sistemi, Akademik Bilişim 2009, Ş.Urfa.
• Serce, F.C. & Alpaslan, F.N. 2008. MODA: A Micro Adaptive Intelligent Learning System for Distance Education, eChallenges, Proceedings of eChallenges Conference, 22-24 Oct. 2008, Stockholm, Sweden.
• Serce, F.C, Alpaslan, F.N, and Jain, L.C. (2008) Intelligent learning system for online learning, International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 5(3) 3, 129-141
• Serce, F.C, Alpaslan, F.N (2007). An Adaptive Intelligent Learning System Model for Online Learning Environments Using Gaia, Proceedings of e-learning’07 Conference. Istanbul, Turkey.
• Serce, F.C. and Yildirim, S. (2006). A Web-Based Synchronous Collaborative Review Tool: A Case Study of an On-line Graduate Course. Educational Technology & Society. 9(2) 166-177.
• Serce, F.C. & Cagiltay, K. 2005. Web tabanlı Öğrenme Nesneleri Havuzu ve İçerik Paketleme Sistemi, International Informatics Congress, Eskiþehir 10-12 June
• Serce, F.C. & Demirors, O. 2004. A Web-based Synchronous Collaborative Review Tool, “Proceedings of First International Conference on Innovations in Learning for the Future:e-Learning”, October 26-27, Istanbul.
• Serce, F.C. & Yildirim, S., 2003. An Assessment of On-Line Collaboration:A Case Study of an On-Line Graduate Course, Proceedings of E-Learn 2003, “AACE World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education”, November 7-11, Phoenix, Arizona USA, No:1387
• Serce, F.C. & Cagiltay, K. 2003. A Review of Groupware Evaluations & A New Framework for Collaboration, Proceedings of E-Learn 2003, “AACE World Conference on E-Learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, & Higher Education”, November 7-11,, Phoenix, Arizona USA, No:1383
• Demirors, O., Tanriover, O. and Serce F.C. (2001) Software Engineering Coverage of Computer Science Graduate Programs, Bilisim 2001 Conference
• Instructional Technology Plan of Faculty of Education, 2001-2005 (in Turkish) (Prof. Dr. Soner Yıldırım, Yasemin Gülbahar Yiğit, Neşe Zayim, Fatma Cemile Serçe, Hamide Yıldırım, Erol Özçelik), 2002.