Faculty and Staff

The AAS-T in Information Technology (IT) is a part of Bellevue College’s School of Business and Technology. Our goal is to provide students with meaningful preparation to meet the challenges of a global environment in world of IT. For general information about the degree, use the form at the top of this page. For specific questions or to set up an appointment you can contact the Program Manager for this degree.

Thomas LeeProgram ChairA254Bthomas.lee@bellevuecollege.edu(425) 564-2504
Rod PascualProgram ManagerA255Qrod.pascual@bellevuecollege.edu(425) 564-4014
Eric WolfA255Reric.wolf@bellevuecollege.edu(425) 564-2311
Evan DrakeFull-time FacultyA255Bevan.drake@bellevuecollege.edu(425) 564-3339
Gustavo BobbioAdjunct FacultyA254gustavo.bobbio@bellevuecollege.edu
Andrew BruceAdjunct FacultyA254andrew.bruce@bellevuecollege.edu
Corey FikeAdjunct FacultyA254corey.fike@bellevuecollege.edu
John Jacobs Adjunct FacultyA254john.jacobs@bellevuecollege.edu
Alexander KroczakAdjunct Faculty A254alexander.kroczak@bellevuecollege.edu
Megan KuttiamkonathAdjunct FacultyA254megan.kuttiamkonath@bellevuecollege.edu
Joe MayesAdjunct FacultyA254joseph.mayes@bellevuecollege.edu
Elizabeth StanleyAdjunct FacultyA254beth.stanley@bellevuecollege.edu
Eboni TorresAdjunct FacultyA254e.torres@bellevuecollege.edu

Last Updated July 5, 2023