Apply for IRB Review

The following pages and links detail the Institutional Review Board for Protection of Human Subjects in Research (IRB). The guidance within applies only to students, faculty, and staff of Bellevue College, Bellevue, WA as researchers or research subjects.

IRB proposals that do not include Bellevue College faculty, staff, or students as either personnel or participants will not be reviewed.

Step 1: Determine if your project requires IRB approval

Does my project need to be reviewed by the IRB?

Step 2: Complete the Mandatory Online Certification for Researchers

Mandatory online certification is required for all researchers, investigators, and faculty advisors (if applicable for student conducted research) who submit a proposal to the IRB. The certification must be renewed every 3 years. We accept CITI or PHRP certificates, or free training is available through the Office for Human Research Protections (we only require certificates acknowledging completion of lessons 1, 2 and 4).

Save a copy of the certifications as a pdf to submit as part of the research proposal.

Human Research Protection Foundational Training

Step 3: Complete the IRB Research Project Application

Complete the online Research Project Application, including attachments of study instruments, recruitment materials, informed consent, and other documents as necessary.

You can review the PDF version of the application to prepare your materials and responses before submitting the form; you are welcome to email if you have any questions.

Step 4: Make adjustments as necessitated by IRB Review until approved

The IRB coordinator and/or reviewing members of the IRB may request revisions of the submitted form or materials before recommending the study for approval.

The full board of the IRB is scheduled to meet once a month if a study requires a full board review.

Step 5: Report Changes and Annually Renew Authorization (if needed)

If there are changes to your proposal after it has been approved, you need to notify the IRB using the Research Project Modification Form. For more information, refer to FAQ’s Research Modification.

If in the course of the study something negative happens to the subject then you must notify the IRB using the Adverse Incident Reporting Form. The IRB will then notify the Federal Office of Human Protection as required by law. Please note that this process must be followed regardless of the perceived seriousness of the incident, or whether or not you agree with the subject that something negative has occurred. If the subject reports an incident, then you must follow up within 48 hours of learning of the incident.

If your research duration is long than one year, you will need to submit an Annual Review Form prior to the anniversary of your research project application’s approval.

Step 6: Submit a Close-Out Form

Once you have finished gathering data, you will need to submit a Research Project Closure Form to the IRB. This notifies the IRB that its oversight responsibilities are over. Studies classified as “Exempt” do not require submission of this form.

Last Updated January 17, 2023