
Hopeful News for Local Journalism

Over Seventy Local News Sites Launched Online Since 2020 Title: More than 70 local newsrooms launched during the pandemicAuthor: Kristen HareDate: December 27, 2021 Link directly to the article on poynter.org Summary and Observation This article provides hopeful news for local journalism as we step into the new year. According to Kristen Hare there were ...more about Hopeful News for Local Journalism

The Edge of Ed: Presenting Diversity in an Engaging Format

Episode 4 | December 14, 2021: Raji Sundar teaches biology classes at Bellevue College and in this podcast episode she discusses using interactive engagement tools for teaching about diversity and bioethics. Raji is developing the material as part of the curriculum for her second Masters Degree. Link to all previous episodes for the Edge of Ed ...more about The Edge of Ed: Presenting Diversity in an Engaging Format

ctcLink Cheat Sheet

ctcLink Resource Page This cheat sheet for using ctcLink is written for faculty in mind. The “Where to Go for Help” articles and live-help hours is located on the Faculty Resource page. Bellevue College is transitioning to new software system called ctcLink and this transition officially took place November 17th, 2021. The software handles student ...more about ctcLink Cheat Sheet

The Edge of Ed: Why Video Lectures?

Episode 2 | November 8, 2021: In this episode Bruce Wolcott, Betsy Zahrt Geib, and Ron Austin discuss the use of lectures. Even though some research indicates lectures are not the most effective way to teach, it continues to be the most popular way. We ask why this is. Link to all episode for the Edge ...more about The Edge of Ed: Why Video Lectures?

The Edge of Ed: Introduction

Episode 1 | October 26, 2021: The Edge of Ed is an ongoing conversation about eLearning, instructional design, and XR tools for education. In this first episode Bruce Wolcott and Ron Austin introduce themselves and describe the podcast. Link to all previous episodes for the Edge of Ed podcast Episode 1: Introduction October 26, 2021 https://youtu.be/MfqMleLjUCA ...more about The Edge of Ed: Introduction

Fall Getting Started Resources

Welcome Back! The eLearning team is excited to meet all of you during our very popular Live Faculty Zoom hours (11am-3pm). Stop by with your Canvas questions and any help you need with other online tools. New to Teaching at Bellevue College? If this your first time teaching at Bellevue College then complete the Canvas ...more about Fall Getting Started Resources


Truly, one of the best parts of being on the Bellevue College eLearning team is interacting with colleagues from across the campus. We gather with our colleagues in the live-support space where all participants problem-solve, collaborate, and think creatively. The eLearning Summer Institute is another space where participants share ideas and learn from each other ...more about Gratitude

eLearning Summer Institute

Summer is just around the corner, and planning is underway for another fully online/remote Summer Institute. While the agenda is still in the works, we are excited to share time with you in both the live remote session and the online Canvas session of the Summer Institute. The Summer Institute is a time to gather ...more about eLearning Summer Institute

Cidi Labs Friday Express Training

This training ending in March, but we are continuing to provide Cidi Lab training at the 2021 Summer Institute, and at workshops offered during the 21-22 school year. Friday March 19 Join us for a full day of drop-in sessions offered by eLearning. eLearning is hosting one hour Cidi Lab training sessions, and you are welcome to drop in for ...more about Cidi Labs Friday Express Training