There are many resume dos and don’t! Some are obvious while some are little less easily perceived. Make sure your resume is on clean and unwrinkled paper but don’t go as far as to spray a scent on it (yes, that really happens). Also, spring for a good heavy paper as opposed to using the cheapest copy paper you have. Linen papers are a nice touch!


♦ Limit resume to one page. For a recent college graduate with limited work experience, list 2-3 jobs. If you have extensive work experience (ten years or more), one-and-a-half to two pages should be the limit.
♦ Avoid overcrowding. Make your resume well spaced and organized so that it can be easily screened by the reader. Leave at least one-inch margins on the top, bottom and sides.
♦ Use readable font. Use size 11-12 point and common fonts such as Sans Serif, Arial, Times New Roman.
♦ Emphasize headings with bold print, CAPITAL LETTERS and/or underlining.
♦ Use “bullet” statements to highlight your accomplishments.
♦ Quantify results (i.e. use numbers) whenever possible
♦ Be honest about your accomplishments.
♦ Proofread carefully. Double-check spelling and make sure grammar and punctuation are correct.
♦ Use high quality paper – Your cover letter stationery and envelope should match the color and weight of your resume paper. Your bookstore and most copy services will sell matching blank paper and envelopes.
♦ Give your references a current copy of your resume.


♦ Include references on your resume or end your resume with “References Available upon Request”.
♦ Use resume templates that come with word processing software.
♦ Include personal information such as marital status, social security number, age, or national origin
♦ Use flashy graphics or colored paper
♦ Mention controversial activities or associations
♦ List unrelated, minor duties, such as “opened mail” or “filed documents”
♦ Use acronyms or abbreviations.
♦ Staple resume pages together or copy a two-page resume on both sides of one page.

PDF: ResumeDosDonts_PDF

Last Updated November 30, 2017