Degree Planning

Build Your Educational Plan

i have a plan decorative image

The following shows how to build an educational plan specifically for the Bachelor’s of Applied Science (BAS) degree in Business Management & Technology (BMT), but you can use this same process to build a draft of an educational plan for any degree.

Important Note: Students do not need to have completed an associate degree to start this bachelor’s program.

Students new to the BAS in Business Management & Technology program must follow the most recent catalog degree requirements. Students who started the program in a previous year may follow either set of requirements.

2024-2025 Catalog Degree requirements

2023-2024 Catalog Degree requirements

2022-2023 Catalog Degree requirements

Before you start, make sure you know which catalog year (e.g. 2024-2025) you are required to follow.

Option 1: Save or print the BMT catalog tool ed plan template:

Option 2: From the catalog degree requirements page (see Step 1), save or print the Degree Planner worksheet.

Bellevue College catalog page for the Business Management & Technology BAS degree with a red arrow pointing to the print Degree Planner icon

Option 3: You can also create your own quarter-by-quarter spreadsheet – please make sure to review and use the information in Steps 1, 5, and 6.

Important Note: Students do not need to have completed an associate degree to start this bachelor’s program. Students will need to complete all degree required courses. The complete list of degree options and requirements, including program eligibility and course outcomes, can be found in the college catalog on the Business Management & Technology Program of Study page.

Students may complete the BAS BMT program either part-time or full-time as shown below. Students may take courses in any order (subject to course offerings – see Step 6) as long as they adhere to the prerequisites for each course. Students may start the program in either FallWinter, or Spring Quarter.

Please note that sample plans show only what one student chose for their course options. Once accepted into the BMT program, students will be able to choose areas of focus. For example, students who want a stronger emphasis on technology may choose IT 330 – Cloud Technologies for Business, while students who want a stronger emphasis on business may choose BATECH 389 – Ecommerce Development Strategy. This is just one example used to show how this unique degree allows students to take courses in the business, management, and technology areas that are best suited to their career path.

Sample Full-time Plan: Fall Quarter Start

Ask yourself these questions and plan accordingly:

  1. How many classes do you plan to take each quarter?
  2. Do you plan to take classes during Summer Quarter?
  3. Do you have any missing prerequisite courses?

For example, let’s say you were planning to take courses during the summer. You could take ECON& 202 during Fall, Winter, Spring, or Summer Quarter. However, not all courses are offered during summer and you may want to save ECON& 202 for Summer Quarter.

If a course has a prerequisite, it will be listed in the course description. Some courses have prerequisites, and some have recommended courses that a student might take to better prepare. The following table shows the sequence of courses based both on prerequisites and recommendations:

Take These Courses …Before Taking These Courses …
BATECH 165, BUSIT 103BATECH 268, BUS 450, DATA 331, MKTG 262
DEV 108DATA 333, DEV 160
ENGL& 101, BUS& 101ACCT 320, BUS 300, BUS 310, BUS 355, BUS 400
ACCT 320, BUS 300, BUS 310, BUS 355, DEV 312, BUS 450BUS 490

Degree StageCategoryCourseQuarter(s) Offered
Recommended prior
to BAS admission
Professional-TechnicalBATECH 165Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Recommended prior
to BAS admission
Professional-TechnicalBUS 120Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Recommended prior
to BAS admission
Professional-TechnicalDEV 108Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Recommended prior
to BAS admission
General EducationBUS& 101Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Recommended prior
to BAS admission
General EducationENGL& 101Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Recommended prior
to BAS admission
General EducationMATH 130 or MATH 138Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Recommended prior
to BAS admission
General EducationECON& 201Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
Recommended prior
to BAS admission
General EducationPHIL 260 or CMST 250Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalACCT 320Fall, Spring
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalBUS 300Fall, Winter
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalBUS 310Winter
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalBUS 355Fall, Winter, Spring
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalBUS 400Spring
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalBUS 490 or EXPRL 490BUS 490: Fall, Spring;
EXPRL 490: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalBUSIT 103Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalCMST 340Winter, Summer, Fall
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalDEV 312Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
BAS CoreGeneral EducationECON& 202Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
BAS CoreGeneral EducationENGL 201 or ENGL 271 or ENGL 235Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
BAS CoreGeneral EducationPHIL 360 or PHIL 375Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalMKTG 261 or MKTG 262Fall, Winter, Spring
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalBATECH 268Fall, Winter, Spring
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalBUS 450
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalDEV 300 or DEV 160DEV 300: Fall, Winter, Spring;
DEV 160: Fall, Spring
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalDATA 331 or DATA 333 or MKTG 461 or MKTG 462DATA 331: Winter;
DATA 333: Fall, Winter, Spring, Summer;
MKTG 461 and MKTG 462: Fall, Winter, Spring
BAS CoreProfessional-TechnicalBATECH 389 or IT 330 or SEC 328BATECH 389: Winter, Spring, Summer;
IT 330 Winter; SEC 328: Winter

Plan to either meet with an advisor to discuss your plan, or email the draft of your plan to the advisor. Contact information can be found on the Contact Us page. We offer weekly drop-in advising online which can be found on the Drop-In Advising page.

Once your plan is approved, your plan will be entered into our system so both you and your advisor can login and view it online in Target X .


Last Updated May 10, 2024