Advising FAQs

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General FAQs

To schedule an appointment with an Academic Advisor, please navigate to the Academic Advising page. To chat with or schedule and appointment with someone in the Business Management program, visit the Business Management Contact us page.

Whether you are planning to major in business or you are still exploring your options, the courses listed below are a good investment. Each of these courses will help you build invaluable skills applicable to a variety of professions and degree options.

BUS& 101 – Introduction to Business

Why take this course? BUS& 101 provides students with an overview of the subdisciplines of business including economics, accounting, finance, marketing, and leadership. This course may also be used to satisfy a general education requirement.

BATECH 165 – Business Spreadsheet Analysis & Design

Why take this course? Spreadsheet analysis and design skills are a key asset in business and required in business documentation and presentation. This course satisfies one of the program prerequisites for the Bellevue College Bachelor of Applied Science (BAS) in Business Management & Technology (BMT).

ACCT 101 or ACCT& 201 – Accounting

Why take ACCT 101? This course introduces students to accounting and accounting is a fundamental business skill often referred to as “the language of business.” ACCT 101 prepares students to take ACCT& 201.

Why take ACCT& 201? ACCT& 201 is required for transfer into some business degree programs in Washington state. ACCT& 201 may be taken as a “first business course” as long as math prerequisites are met.


“Do I need to take BUS& 101? I have already taken more advanced business courses such as BUS& 201 – Business Law.”


Knowledge is sequential in some programs, for example in MATH, where placement into MATH& 151 implies that you have the prerequisite knowledge covered in MATH& 142. Knowledge in the business program is not sequential. BUS& 101 covers many different aspects of business including but not limited to Entrepreneurship, Management, Organizational Behavior, Marketing, Accounting, and Finance. Though the course code for BUS& 201 – Business Law, for example, is higher, it does not mean that the content covered includes the content from BUS& 101.

Bachelor’s (BAS) Degree FAQs

The answer to this question depends on the courses you have already taken to date. We recommend that you meet with the Program Manager who will help you plan your schedule: Contact Us.

That said, here are some options to consider:

Prerequisite Courses

Students who plan to apply to the BAS in Business Management & Technology (BMT) degree program must take two (2) of the courses listed below as prerequisites to the BAS BMT program.
These courses are offered every quarter.

BATECH 165 – Business Spreadsheet Analysis & Design

BUS 120 – Organizational Behavior

PROG 108 – Introduction to Python Programming

BAS BMT courses you may be eligible to take prior to admission

Students may enroll in a few of the courses in the program prior to acceptance, and as long as they meet any course prerequisites. We recommend the following courses as a starting point:

BUSIT 103 – SQL Fundamentals

BATECH 268 – Advanced Business Database Tools (data visualization)

Complete BAS BMT degree requirements

The complete list of degree requirements, including general education requirements, can be found in the college catalog on the Business Management & Technology degree page.

To explore this program, students are advised to take one of the program prerequisite courses listed below. Students who plan to apply to the BAS in Business Management & Technology (BMT) degree program must take two (2) of the courses listed below as prerequisites to the BAS BMT program.
These courses are offered every quarter:

BATECH 165 – Business Spreadsheet Analysis & Design

BUS 120 – Organizational Behavior

PROG 108 – Introduction to Python Programming

The complete list of degree requirements, including course outcomes, prerequisites and program eligibility, can be found in the college catalog on the Business Management & Technology degree page.

Yes. Students may enroll in a few of the courses in the program prior to acceptance, and as long as they meet any course prerequisites. We recommend the following courses as a starting point:

BUSIT 103 – SQL Fundamentals

Prerequisite(s): Placement by assessment into ENGL& 101 or completion of ENGL 092 or ENGL 093 with a C or better. Offered every quarter.

BATECH 268 – Advanced Business Database Tools (data visualization)

Prerequisite(s): BATECH 168 or BUSIT 103. Offered Fall and Spring.

No. Students do not need to complete an AA or AAS-T degree to apply and start in the program. Students should have all or most of the prerequisites completed.

Degree requirements, including prerequisites, can be found in the college catalog on the Business Management & Technology degree page.

No. Students do not need to have completed extensive coursework in a technical subject. Students will enter the BAS BMT program with varying backgrounds. Some students may enter the program with an AAS-T in business and some with an AAS-T in software development.

All students should have all or most of the prerequisites completed.

Once accepted into the BMT program, students will be able to choose areas of focus. For example, students who want a stronger emphasis on technology may choose IT 330 – Cloud Technologies for Business, while students who want a stronger emphasis on business may choose BTS 389 – Ecommerce Development Strategy. This is just one example used to show how this unique degree allows students to take courses in the business, management and technology areas that are best suited to their career path.

BAS stands for Bachelor’s of Applied Science.

BMT is the acronym used for the name of the bachelor’s program, Business Management & Technology.

Last Updated July 15, 2024