
Claire McKinley Picture

Claire McKinley


Claire joined Bellevue College as a full-time instructor in 2022. She currently teaches Environmental Science 100 (Survey of Environmental Science) and Environmental Science 105 (Science of Sustainable Living). Her academic background is in paleoceanography and paleoclimatology which investigates the earth’s climate and ocean in the past. She has a Bachelor’s degree in Earth Sciences from Boston …more about Claire McKinley

Seema Jejurikar Picture

Seema Jejurikar


Seema has been teaching at Bellevue College for more than 25 years. She has taught various subjects like ENVS 100 (Survey of Environmental Science), BIOL 125 (Survey of Human Diseases), BIOL 135 (Introduction to Global Health), BIOL 260 (General Microbiology), and NUT 100 (Survey of Nutrition). She has an MS in pathobiology from the School …more about Seema Jejurikar

Tracy Fields Picture

Tracy Fields


Tracy began working as an operational meteorologist with Northwest Weathernet, Inc. here in the Bellevue area in the late 1990s.  She shifted gears and began teaching Meteorology 101 (Introduction to the Weather) at Bellevue College in the Fall of 2012. Since then, she has added a couple of more classes to her schedule, including Environmental …more about Tracy Fields

Roshni Tewari Picture

Roshni Tewari


I am an Agronomist by training. My first degree in General Agriculture was completed at the University of the West Indies, Trinidad campus. I completed my Masters in Applied Plant Science at Wye College (University of London). My Ph.D. was granted by the University of Hawaii in Agronomy where I specialized in legumes. I worked …more about Roshni Tewari

Nancy Lane Picture

Nancy Lane


Nancy Lane teaches Environmental Science, Oceanography and Biology in the BC Science Division. She began her science career right here at Bellevue College as a transfer student to the University of Washington. Later, she earned a Master’s of Science at the University of South Florida. Along with teaching, she has had the opportunity to do …more about Nancy Lane

Dennis Gorsuch Picture

Dennis Gorsuch


Dennis has been at Bellevue College since the spring of 2009, teaching in both the biology and environmental science departments.  He has taught ENVS 100 (Survey of Environmental Science), the ENVS Seminar series (ENVS 281, 282, and 283), BIOL 241 and 242 (Anatomy and Physiology I and II), BIOL 213 (Plant Biology for Majors), BOTAN …more about Dennis Gorsuch

Sonya Doucette Picture

Sonya Doucette


Sonya is interested in understanding the world through chemistry science and providing real-world learning experiences for students that foster such insights. After earning her M.S. (2003) and Ph.D. (2008) doing research in the Chemical Oceanography Division of UW’s School of Oceanography, she taught at UW’s College of the Environment (2008 – 2010) and Arizona State …more about Sonya Doucette

Jason Fuller Picture

Jason Fuller


Jason has been at Bellevue College since 2011, teaching in both the biology and environmental science departments.  He has taught Field and Laboratory Environmental Science ENVS 207 and Major’s Biology BIOL 211, 212, and 213.  He has a BS in biology from Western Washington University and a MS in Entomology from Oregon State University.  In …more about Jason Fuller

Amanda Senft Picture

Amanda Senft


Amanda has been teaching at Bellevue College since 2009. She teaches Environmental Science, Biology, Botany and Nutrition. She has M.S in Biology from the University of North Carolina where her research focused on plant conservation and ecology. She also has an M.S in Environmental Science and Policy from the Johns Hopkins University and a B.S. …more about Amanda Senft

Michael Hanson Picture

Michael Hanson


Dr. Michael Hanson obtained a B.S. in Agriculture from the University of Nebraska, a Ph.D. in Botany from Claremont Graduate University and Post-Doctoral research positions at the University of Minnesota and Cornell University. His specific interests are in cooperative speciation and symbiotic interactions, especially domestication of humans by plants and animals and vice versa. Due …more about Michael Hanson

Last Updated December 21, 2021