Assignment Redesign with TILT

Tilt a whirl

Purpose: Get your transparent assignments ready to use this fall!

Many of you have heard of TILT by now – an assignment framework that promotes transparency in learning and teaching. Now it is time to put it into practice. Join us for an online workshop series learning how to TILT our assignments in a way that can have a powerful impact on our students’ sense of belonging, academic confidence, and persistence in college. Research shows that TILT helps close opportunities gaps for students by clarifying the purpose, tasks, and criteria of your assignments. It can save you time too by reducing the number of questions you get and the amount of feedback you need to provide on an assignment! Transparency is an act of equity and inclusion.

Tasks: Workshop participants will work through a set of activities including:

  • Learning about the TILT framework
  • Examining and discussing a sample assignment
  • Providing feedback on peer assignments
  • Submitting a written reflection at the end of the 4-week session

Criteria for Success: Faculty will have two TILTed assignment to use in your current or future courses. We recommend TILTing your most complex, multi-step assignments!

We hope to offer this workshop again soon.

Last Updated August 15, 2023