Academic Concentration in Gender Studies

Bellevue College offers an Academic Concentration in Gender Studies!

High-contrast picture of person wearing black lipstick

Effective Winter 2015, students who are pursuing an Associates in Arts and Sciences degree can complete coursework in Gender Studies that will be specially noted on their transcripts and degrees.  For example, your degree/transcript might read “Associate in Arts and Sciences with an Academic Concentration in Gender Studies.”   An Academic Concentration is similar to a minor.  At the University of Washington, for example, most minors are 25 credits (or five classes); at Bellevue College, our Academic Concentrations are 20 credits (or four courses).  If you do decide to pursue an Academic Concentration, be sure you put it on your resumé too!

What is Gender Studies?

Gender Studies is a common major at 4-year colleges and universities. Sometimes referred to as “Women’s Studies,” “Women’s and Gender Studies,” or “Gender, Women, and Sexuality Studies,” the field explores how sex, gender, and sexuality profoundly shape our lives.  Gender Studies is a nontraditional field in that it blurs disciplinary boundaries and emphasizes deep learning through interdisciplinary study. Gender Studies departments employ professors from a wide range of disciplines and require students to take courses from a variety of disciplines, usually in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences.

At Bellevue College, our Gender Studies Concentration is a cross-disciplinary collaboration of six Departments – Anthropology, Cultural & Ethnic Studies, English, Philosophy, Psychology, and Sociology.  Gender Studies at Bellevue College provides students with an opportunity to explore in depth the ways sex/gender/sexuality shape our lives. Gender Studies at BC is managed and administered through the Sociology Program, so interested students should contact the Sociology Program Chair.

Why should you complete an Academic Concentration in Gender Studies?

Getting an Academic Concentration is academically and professionally beneficial because it demonstrates to potential employers and university admissions officers that you have spent the time and effort to acquire some depth in a subject, in addition to meeting BC’s normal breadth requirements. In short, it can help you “stand out” as an applicant.

Who should consider getting an Academic Concentration in Gender Studies?

  • Students who are thinking about majoring in Gender Studies or Women’s Studies, Ethnic Studies, Psychology, Philosophy, Anthropology, English or Sociology at a baccalaureate (4-year) university
  • Students who are fascinated by the topics discussed in gender-based classes
  • Students who are interested in careers that involve working with people or understanding human behavior and motives.  A deep understanding of gender is transformational as it has a very practical impact on our lives!

What do you need to do in order to complete an Academic Concentration in Gender Studies?

Students pursuing an Associate in Arts and Science transfer degree may elect to complete an Academic Concentration in Gender Studies by completing 20 credits from a focused list of courses (with grades of C- or better). Students should take four of the following courses, distributed across at least three disciplines:

ANTH 220 (Sex, Gender & Culture)

CES 109 (Intro to Women’s Studies)

CES 257 (Queer Studies)

CES 281 (Issues in Women’s Studies)

ENGL 276 (Women Writers)

PHIL 206 (Philosophy of Feminism)

PSYC 210 (Human Sexuality)

PSYC 257 (Psychology of Sex & Gender)

SOC 253 (Men & Masculinities)

SOC 254 (Gender in the Social World)

SOC 264 (Intersections of Identity and Inequality)

SOC 256 (Sex & Sexualities)

PLEASE NOTE: Students may apply only five credits from the concentration to Basic Skills and distribution requirements. The remaining 15 credits will count as electives.


When you are nearing graduation, complete a Graduation Application form and submit it to the graduation office electronically.  Note: You will need to complete TWO SEPARATE Graduation Applications – one for your degree and one for your Academic Concentration.

Gender Concentration

Last Updated May 24, 2024