ART 121: Drawing II – 5 credits
Continues ART 120. Includes drawing the human figure from live models. Students gain skill in expressive drawing using various media. Includes lecture and lab. Requires additional time outside class. Fee: $35.00 Art Lab Fee
ART 221: Advanced Studio Drawing I – 5 credits
Provides studio experience building on objectives learned in the basic drawing courses. Includes six hours of lecture and lab, with additional time required outside class. Fee: $ 35.00 Art Lab Fee
ART 222: Advanced Studio Drawing II – 5 credits
Continues ART 221. Includes six hours of lecture and lab, with additional time required outside class. Fee: $ 35.00 Art Lab Fee
Art 120, Value Study, Charcoal on Paper Art 120, Paper Bag on Brother’s Head, Value Planar Study, Characoal on Paper Art 120, Bag with Fruit, Charcoal on Paper Art 120, Self Portrait in Charcoal Art 120, Self Portrait in Charcoal Art 120, Self Portrait in Charcoal Art 120, Self Portrait in Charcoal Art 120, Drapery Study, Charcoal on Paper Art 120, “Boots on the Floor,” Charcoal on Paper Art 120, Perspective Study, Pencil on Paper
Art 121, Hand Study, Charcoal on Paper Art 121, Structure Study of the Figure, Charcoal on Paper ARt 121, Expressive Figure Study, Mixed Media on Paper ARt 121, Figure Study in Value, Ink Wash on Paper ARt 121, Self Portrait in Charcoal
ARt 221, Self Portrait, Mixed Media on Canvas Art 221, Portrait Study, Charcoal on Toned Paper
Last Updated June 12, 2020