ART 240: Oil Painting – 5 credits
Introduces color theory and techniques for working in oils. Students learn modeling in light and shade composition. Includes six hours of lecture and lab, with additional time required outside class. Fee: $ 8.50 Art Lab Fee
ART 242: Advanced Studio:Oil Painting – 5 credits
Continues ART 240. Fee: $ 8.50 Art Lab Fee
ART 245: Watercolor I – 5 credits
This course presents basic instruction in watercolor painting. Students use watercolor to paint objects and forms from both direct observation and imagination. Students gain skill in techniques unique to the watercolor process. Requires additional lab time outside of class. Recommended: ART 120 Fee: $ 25.00 Art Course Fee
ART 247: Watercolor II – 5 credits
Continuation of Art 245, Watercolor I. Provides students an opportunity to further their knowledge of drawing, painting and design beyond beginning watercolor. Recommended: ART 245. Fee: $ 25.00 Art Course Fee
Last Updated June 11, 2020