Staff Directory

Staff directory banner featuring a Bellevue baseball player

General email:
Mailing Address:
Bellevue College Athletics
3000 Landerholm Circle S.E., Mailstop G150
Bellevue, WA 98007-6484

Athletics Department
Jeremy EggersAthletic Director425-564-2193jeggers
Mark YoshinoAsst. AD Eligibility and Compliance425-564-2356myoshino
Angela D’AmelioProgram Coordinator425-564-2396adamelio
Jocelyn LawrenceWomen's Athletic Commissioner425-564-2031jlawrence
Andrew SpensAthletic Trainer425-564-2029
Rick MayPhotographerrick
Teresa DescherAcademic Advisor425-564-2239tdescher
Marcus FermonAthletics Operations Managermfermon
David OlsonAthletics Operations Supervisordolson
Athlete Advisory Committee
Oliver HoganBaseball
Bobby TriggBaseball
Myana CallowayWomen's Basketball
Women's Basketball
Josiah JohnsonMen's Basketball
Sawyer CottrellMen's Basketball
Kate SabarilloGolf
Isaac ElaimyGolf
Bruno CascanteMen's Soccer
Dale BlickhanMen's Soccer
Tallulah BaumgartWomen's Soccer
Malia BrownWomen's Soccer
Malia ReedySoftball
Ryleigh WotzkaSoftball
Shanna ChuaTennis
Cole FredericksTennis
Olivia BealVolleyball
Karisa MartinVolleyball
Mark YoshinoCo-Head Coach425-564-2356myoshino
David OlsonCo-Head Coach206-947-2674
Dylan VchulekAsst. Coach
Jake TeraoAsst. Coach
AJ Schramm Asst. Coach
Men's Basketball
Marcus FermonHead Coachmfermon
Antonio FosterAsst. Coach
Jordan Muir-KeungAsst. Coach
Women's Basketball
Mel StubblefieldHead Coach425-564-2048mstubblefield
Montana HagstromAsst. Coach
Annie LockwoodHead Coach602-363-0767alockwood
Phoebe SchultzAsst. Coach
Felipe CaycedoAsst. Coach
Men's and Women's Golf
Brian PanHead CoachBrian Pan
Scott KennedyAsst. Coach
Men's Soccer
John ButtleHead Coachjbuttle
Tyler BjorkAsst. Coach
Alex WolbertStaff
George LanStaff
Women's Soccer
Richard Romain-DikaHead Coach425-564-3124rromain
Jon MatsushitaStaff
Annacy DyerStaff
Laura HooverStaff
David GriffithsStaff
Men's and Women's Tennis
Micah PerronHead Coach360-480-5414mperron
Emahd KhanAsst. Coach
Jocelyn LawrenceHead Coach425-564-2031jlawrence
Angela D'AmelioStaff
Tommi GallucciAsst. Coach

Last Updated December 18, 2023