
Facilities banner image with Courter Field
Bellevue College’s successful athletic programs enjoy the use of some of the best facilities in the area. These facilities are continually being upgraded to provide BC students, athletes, and the eastside community with some of the best sporting venues around.

Renting BC Athletic Facilities

If your off-campus group or organization has an interest in the use of BC’s Athletic facilities, please feel free to contact the following for information and/or scheduling:

Events Office (non-athletic event rentals)
Phone: 425-564-4048
Email: rentals@bellevuecollege.edu

Marcus Fermon (gymnasium, soccer, softball field)
Phone: 425-564-1367
Email: marcus.fermon@bellevuecollege.edu

Mark Yoshino (baseball field)
Phone: 425-564-2356
Email: mark.yoshino@bellevuecollege.edu

BC Athletics Rental Rates

If your on-campus (BC) group or organization would like to rent Athletic facilities, you can make your request here.