HS+ (High School Completion for students 18+)
The HS+ program offers a Washington State high school diploma for those 18 years and older. Students can apply previously earned high school credits, job experience and training, or life experience along with our curriculum to finish their coursework. Students must be 18 years of age or older at the time of enrollment.
If you are looking for the GED® Preparation Courses, please visit the ABE website.
Tuition is $25 per quarter for the Adult Basic Education (ABE) and High School Plus program.
Tuition Waivers
Help with tuition and parking is available if you are in need. If you are in need of assistance, please complete the tuition waiver form here.
- Tuition waivers are required for each quarter you are enrolled.
- Tuition waivers require your ctcLink ID and should be completed in the first two weeks of the quarter.
- Tuition Waivers may take 1-2 weeks to process.
An evaluation of your transcripts must be done to find out what courses you need to complete your diploma. The State of Washington sets the minimum requirements for the high school diploma, depending upon your entry to 9thgrade. A total of 19 to 24 high school credits (different than college credits) are required and are spread among English, mathematics, history, government, art, science, physical education, occupational subjects, and electives.
Bellevue College offers a wide variety of ways to complete these requirements.

NEW Students
Apply to Basic and Transitional Studies
All NEW Adult Basic Education (ABE), GED, and HS+ students are required to complete our Basic and Transitional Studies Quick Admit Form.
- Select HS+ as your program of study
- You must have an email address that you regularly check.
The Program Application is temporarily offline while we determine how many spaces we have remaining for Winter Quarter.
Your new ctcLink student ID will be emailed to you. It could take up to a couple days.

All returning ABE or HS+ (if you have missed one or more quarters) students and students who are moving from ESL to HS+ must complete the “Returning ABE/GED/HS+ | ESL to ABE | I-BEST in ABE” form.
Your ctcLink Student ID and a valid email are required to complete the form.

NEXT Steps
Email confirmation and instructions
Make certain to follow the instructions and steps you receive via email. If you do not follow the listed steps, you may not be able to attend classes this quarter.
Please have any previous high school transcripts sent to us for evaluation. If you bring them, please bring sealed and unopened copies from the school. You may also have your school email them to us at highschoolplus@bellevuecollege.edu.
All new students and some returning students will be required to complete the CASAS assessment and will also take follow up assessments during their time in the program. There is no cost for taking this assessment.
Our programs do fill up quickly, so please do not wait until the last minute to complete anything required.
- Adults who are at least 16 years old.
- Students under 19 must be formally released from high school before registering for classes. Contact your local school district for release forms.
- T and U Visa holders are eligible for our programs.
- We will not ask for ID, documentation, VISA status, immigration status, or citizenship. If you decide to disclose this information, the following may apply:
- People who are in this country on a student (F-1, M-1) visa are not allowed to participate in publicly (state or federal) funded adult education.
- People travelling in the U.S. on a B-1 or B-2 visa are not allowed to participate in study or education programs according to the U.S. Department of State.
- People in this country as nannies or au pairs on a study exchange (J-1) visa are required to participate in college-level academic classes, not BEdA classes. Homeland Security may have additional procedural rules regarding non-citizens.
Contact Us
Email us at highschoolplus@bellevuecollege.edu
Visit our office in R130 Monday – Friday, 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Website manager Ted Mansfield; Updated 10/7/24
Last Updated December 2, 2024