
We are proud to work with reputable referral partners. If you are interested in pursuing a relationship with Bellevue College, please complete the interest form on the left side bar, or email our International Education (IE) office at

Becoming a Partner/Agent

New Agents

Prospective Agent: First Steps

Complete the Agent Inquiry Request

• Send documents to International Education

  1. Agency Partner Questionnaire including two references
  2. Tax form W-8 (foreign) or W-9 (US)
  3. Copy of business license

• IE will contact prospective agents after reviewing the submitted information and documents

Prospective Agent: Contract Process

• Continue recruiting students while waiting for the official agreement

• Prospective agents will sign the agreement first, then International Education will sign the agreement

*Student must list the agent as their referral inside the online application: International Student Portal

Process to Receive Your Referral Fees

• Agents are responsible for sending the invoice to IE each quarter

• Invoice processing will begin after the 20th day of each quarter

• Please allow 2-3 weeks for payment

Existing Agents

Contract Duration

Agreement lasts for two years.

There is an option to renew the agreement, but it must be done before it expires.

Contract Renewal

Takes place when the agent has referred at least one student per academic year.

If agent has an expired agreement and has not enrolled students at BC in two years, then the agent is required to resubmit the Agency Partner Questionnaire.


Contact our International Education office:

Recruiting Events and Seminars

PIE (Partners in Education) Newsletter:

Each quarter, the international recruiters publish a newsletter featuring news and updates for agents and educational partners. If you’d like to subscribe to future issues, please email our International Recruitment team at

Partner’s Point of Contact

Recruiters at Bellevue College are assigned markets for efficient communication with you. Please contact our International Recruitment team:

Telephone: +1-425-564-3185
Office location: Room U-202 (BC main campus Map)

Last Updated April 17, 2024