All deadlines listed are the very last day you can do something.
Please do your best to complete items as far ahead of deadlines as possible.
Summer Hours (July 1 – August 15)
On Campus Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 9:30 AM-4:30 PM
Virtual Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday: 8 AM-5 PM
CLOSED Fridays
Current Bellevue College Students
- You can use our tiered services all year! See the Current Students page for everything that is available to you right now.
- If you’d like to join the full program, you can start at step 7 on the checklist below after watching our program videos!
Future Students
Your first step is to watch the Information Videos and attend an Information Q&A Session virtually! You can also attend one of the College’s Discovery Days in person. Once those are over for the year, you can get support from us another way,
Additional written information can be found on the Program Information page, along with program requirements and more.
See below for the steps to take to get started!
Work through the steps below to join the Neurodiversity Navigators program.
Use this abbreviated checklist [PDF] to stay on track – read the full information below for each step.
Program enrollment is Summer only. You must attend the Summer FYS 101: Neurodiversity Cohort (please apply for SUMMER 2024)
- Students will not be able to join the program if they do not complete this course.
- FYS 101 is a required course for most incoming Bellevue College students.
- Neurodiversity Navigators students take this course as FYS 101- Topic: Supports Neurodivergent Students in the Summer preceding their first fall in the program.
- There will be three sections of the course, with up to 30 students in each section.
- All sections meet Mondays, Tuesdays, and Wednesdays, beginning July 1 through August 14 for 90-minutes per day.
- Section 12936: Meets 10:30 AM – Noon,
- Section 12937: Meets 11:30 AM – 1 PM, and
- Section 12938: Meets 12:30 – 2 PM.
- At least twice during the summer, all three classes will meet as a group.
- We strongly recommend taking ONLY the FYS 101- Topic: Supports Neurodivergent Students class during the summer quarter.
- High School students must work with their high school and Bellevue College’s High School programs, including Running Start, CEO, and others, to enroll in the College and in Neurodiversity Navigators.
Please contact us if you run into barriers, including missed deadlines.
*1. Watch Video & Attend a Q&A information session
- Watch the program video here. (17 minutes)
- Record any questions you may have and attend a Q&A Information Session to ask them!
*2. Apply to Bellevue College for Summer Quarter (by 6/15)
Be sure to mark SUMMER 2024 as your first quarter. You must apply to the college no later than June 15, 2024.
- When you apply, be sure to choose an academic degree path, especially if you are applying for Financial Aid. (You can always change it later if you change your mind!)
- Online application guide (see Step 26 in that guide for choosing academic degree path.)
- See the Enrollment Calendars here. Enroll as soon as possible.
- If you need help with this process, there are Admissions Advisors to support you!
- If you are a Running Start student, or CEO Student, be sure to follow all High School programs guidelines as well.
- Email to register for the required Summer Quarter FYS 101: Neurodiversity Cohort.
- Check with your program for additional information and guidelines.
- Be sure to mark SUMMER 2024 as your first quarter. You will be unable to register for FYS 101: Neurodiversity Cohort if you skip this step.
IF you need help with applying: Meet w/Admissions Advisor.
If you run into any difficulties enrolling, setting up your email address or login to your ctcLink account, Admissions Advisors can help!
3. Create your Bellevue College email address
When you receive your ctcLink ID from the college, create your Bellevue College email address. This is called your NetID. Be sure to write down or remember your password! You will also need to remember your ctcLink ID and your Bellevue College email address.
As a college student, you have a legal right to privacy. If you want your parents or someone else to be included in information, or be able to phone or email on your behalf, you must fill out a Release of Information Form (PDF – FERPA form). Please email this to us from your Bellevue College email address.
We recommend taking ONLY FYS 101: Neurodiversity Cohort for summer. You must attend this summer class to join the Neurodiversity Navigators program.
Incoming Summer Housing students can receive an exception to the 6-credit requirement if they are taking only FYS 101: Neurodiversity Cohort and are part of Neurodiversity Navigators.
4. Complete BC New Student Orientation and New Student Enrollment
NOTE: To register for the NSE for Neurodivergent students, scheduled virtually for Wednesday, June 26 at 5 p.m. please fill out the RSVP form here.
- You will learn about college services and resources, paying for college, important policies, class registration, and other ways to prepare for success at Bellevue College.
- The college refers to these as NSO (new student orientation) and NSE (new student enrollment).
- Once you have completed the New Student Orientation (NSO) you will sign up for New Student Enrollment (NSE). You can choose to attend NSE either virtually or on-campus.
- Enter your email address carefully because NSE staff will send you an email with further instructions!
- If you run into any difficulties, or need more information, please email NSO/NSE at
- Both NSO and NSE are required before you can enroll in classes, so you must complete them by June 24.
- Start early as this process takes time!
Be sure to let enrollment advisors know that you are planning to be part of the Neurodiversity Navigators program and have them include our courses into your academic plan.
- If they don’t have the list of courses, you can share it with them: Neurodiversity Navigators course sequence [PDF].
- Remind the advisors that you need to register for FYS 101 – Topic: Supports Neurodivergent Students this summer (no permission code required.)
- For Summer Quarter, take ONLY FYS 101: Section 12936, 12937, or 12938 (no additional classes.) We do not recommend taking any other classes during the summer.
- Incoming Housing students will be provided an exception to the 6-credit requirement if they are taking only FYS 101: Supports Neurodivergent Students and are part of the Neurodiversity Navigators program.
- Remember to register for Fall Quarter classes too!
Reserve space in your Fall schedule for the EXPRL 180 Skills for Navigating College and Career class (permission code required – we will give you the code after we meet in Step #7).
You can download a full list of the Neurodiversity Navigators course series here [PDF].
NOTE: You should also work on Step 6 (Determine English Placement) while you are completing NSO and NSE. They can and should be done at the same time.
Additional academic advising tools can be found here. Note: it’s important to use these tools AND meet with Academic Advisors. Do not plan your path only with parents or others outside the college. Support people, including parents, are welcome to attend Advising meetings with you.
We do not recommend taking any other classes during the summer because summer is an accelerated quarter, meaning students must complete the same amount of work as an 11-week quarter during 6 weeks. Other supports, such as peer mentors and tutors are generally not available during the summer.
5. Register for Summer FYS 101: Neurodiversity Cohort and Fall Quarter Classes
FYS (First Year Seminar) is required for all Bellevue College students. The curriculum is not unique to the Neurodiversity Navigators program, although it is taught as a cohort class for students to begin to form a community. Any neurodivergent student can register for this course. No permission code is needed. Register for ONLY FYS 101: Neurodiversity Cohort for Summer Quarter
Choose your Fall Quarter classes and register for those as well! The sooner you register, the better choice you will have. Remember to reserve space in your Fall schedule for the EXPRL 180: Skills for Navigating College and Career class (permission code required – we will give you the code after we meet in Step #7).
6. Determine your English placement.
To be successful in Neurodiversity Navigators, you must be able to complete assignments at the level of English 072 or above.
- This is to ensure that you will be able to understand the course material and complete the assignments for cohort classes.
You must provide documentation of English placement to meet with us, so please start on this right away.
You can meet our English Requirement with any of the documents listed below:
- Smarter Balanced test scores
- AP English class or test scores
- AP/IB/Cambridge test scores
- College transcripts showing completion of or attempt of an English course
- ACT/PSAT/SAT scores
- Accuplacer assessment scores from any college within the past 4 years,
- GED Language Arts scores.
If you do not have any of these items, you can take the Accuplacer assessment to determine your English placement.
To confirm your English level, please fill out the English Assessment Documentation form. Be prepared to upload your documents. If you do not have documents, you will be able to let us know that you need to take the assessment and we will connect you to the Testing Center.
Once we have received your documents, or your request to take the Accuplacer, via the English Assessment Documentation form, we will let you know when you are ready to proceed to Step 7, Request an Appointment with us!
You can complete this step before or while you are working on steps 4 and 5. Once you finish this step, you can meet with us, even if you have not yet completed NSO and NSE – Steps 4 & 5.
As with everything, please let us know if you have questions or run into barriers!
To complete the meeting scheduling form you will need:
- Your ctcLink ID from Bellevue College,
- Your Bellevue College email address, and
- Your English Placement documents.
The purpose of this appointment is for you to have a conversation with program administrators to ensure that you understand the program, that it is your decision to be part of the program (not anyone else’s!) and to ensure that everything else is in place.
We will also talk to you about what classes you will be taking.
Please finish Steps 1-3 as well as Step 6 prior to meeting with us!
Note: A student’s successful participation in the Neurodiversity Navigators program is directly correlated to their desire to be part of the program. Parents and others should not pressure, push, or entice students to participate against their will. Students are welcome to “try out” the program if they are unsure.
Appointment Applications close on August 11, 2024, and we must meet with you by August 26. If you’ve missed this deadline, please contact us to see if we still have space and time!
8. Check your Bellevue College email regularly.
After our meeting, watch your BC email for an email from us with important registration information.
We will mail students only, at their Bellevue College email address, unless we have a signed FERPA release form [PDF]
9. Fill out the Availability Survey.
Watch your BC email for our Availability Survey. The survey lets us know when you are available to meet with a peer mentor regularly each week.
- Be sure to respond to the survey fully and completely by the deadline given in the email.
- Let us know if you need help filling it out!
10. Pay for your classes!
Classes will be dropped by the college for nonpayment. You can:
- Pay all at once
- Set up a payment plan
- Apply for Financial Aid
Final Step: Stay in touch with us!
Let us know if you change your schedule for Fall classes. We cannot accommodate schedule changes past September 1.
Once we set your peer mentor appointment, we cannot change it.
- Please contact us with concerns at if you are having difficulty with the deadlines – we’re here to help!
- We are unable to hold individual information meetings. Please watch the videos, read the frequently asked questions, then record your questions and email, text, or chat with us about them.
- Please pay close attention to deadlines for course registration, as well as payment deadlines, and check your Bellevue College email daily for important updates, both from the Neurodiversity Navigators program and from the College.
- If you’ve missed a deadline, please contact us so we can help!
- We strongly recommend that students register with the Disability Resource Center for ADA Testing and Classroom accommodations, however, we do not require it. During our appointment with you, we can discuss this. If you wish to have classroom and testing accommodations, the steps are below:
- Follow the steps on their “Getting Started” page:
- A DRC access coordinator will contact you to complete an Initial Access appointment. Watch your Bellevue College email and respond as soon as possible! They will email only the student unless you have a FERPA on file with them for others.
- The accommodations process takes time! Do this as soon as possible, concurrent with setting things up with us!
- Purchase and start reading: On Course: Strategies for Creating Success in College and in Life (any edition, buy used! There are several options under $10 online.) This book is not required, however, we highly recommend it. Students should read whichever parts interest them.
What are the most important things you can do to prepare for college now? Watch these videos and find out!
For questions, or support with the application process,
visit Support with Applying to Neurodiversity Navigators.
Successful participation in the Neurodiversity Navigators program is directly correlated to your desire to be part of the program, learn about your strengths, and work with other neurodivergent students. You are welcome to “try out” the program if you are unsure.
Parents and others should work collaboratively with their student to make a decision and should not pressure, push, or entice students to participate.
Not sure you want to take our cohort classes or use the full program services? Check out the support we provide to all neurodivergent students at Bellevue College.
Email: (best way to contact)
Text: (833) 227-4551
Phone: 425.564.2764 (if we do not answer, please leave a message and your email address)
Please contact us if you run into any barriers, including missed deadlines.
Explore more about Bellevue College here.
Last Updated June 25, 2024