Running Start Parents and Guardians

The picture of students is decorative only and part of the overall page design

Thank you for choosing Bellevue College as the school to help your student reach their high school and other academic goals. The more you know and understand about the college experience and the Running Start program, the better you can support your student’s success.

Attend a Running Start Information Session

This first step is important! Attending an information session provides an opportunity to meet our staff and ask questions about the program. We also provide online options with Live Event Streaming.

Use this Button to View our Running Start Information Session Page and Sign-Up Options

Other Resources

By federal law, once your student begins taking classes at a college, any college, your rights as a parent or guardian to access and get information about how your student is doing in school, transfers to your student. Your student’s age does not matter. This changes how you can address problems and issues about classwork, attendance, and grades.

The two links below provide you with information about how you can get the information you need:

Addressing Concerns about Your Student

Accessing Student Records and Contacting Instructors

You can also view the full college website with information and tips for Parents & Guardians.