Early Alert Resources for Faculty and Staff

Thank you so much for your support of the Early Alert program! Your participation helps us all support students in an effective and proactive manner!

The Early Alert for Academic Support team is here for you! We have developed the following resources to save you time and to also answer questions you may have about the program. We hope you find them helpful! Our team has also created a comprehensive Faculty Resource Guide of various programs and services designed to help students and support thier educational journey. Please take a look and refer students as appropriate!

Faculty Resource Guide [PDF]

Start the quarter off strong by sending out an email to your student to inform/remind them about Instructor Initiated Drops, the Early Alert for Academic Support Program, and tips for success! Consider using the following email template at the start of the quarter and modify as you see fit!

Email template for faculty-start of quarter [PDF]

  • How are students outreached to? What modes of communication are used?
    • Students are outreached to via their BC email and phone call using the phone number on that is on file. If no phone number is on file, or is outdated, then only an email is sent. Per faculty feedback, we hope to start using texting soon. We are working with the IT department to implement this option.
  • What types of questions are asked of students when a phone call is made?
    • When a call is made the purpose of the call is reiterated to a student, followed by a series of questions based off of any information they share. Some questions may include: How are you doing this quarter? Are you eating enough? Are you getting enough sleep? Do you have access to the technology and materials you need to be successful in the classes? Are you understanding the material? If not, are you using resources on campus or connecting to your teacher for help? If students share personal struggles with mental health/health/safety then questions may include the following: Are you safe? Do you know about BC Counseling for additional support? Would it be helpful if I asked Counseling to reach out to you? Do you know what Title IX is? And finally, if a student does disclose that they are struggling with mental health, health or safety issues a CARE report will be submitted (students should be advised that we are mandated reporters so a report will be submitted and outreach to them will occur).
  • What should I expect to hear back regarding the alert I submitted?
    • Outreach to a student will begin the day following the Early Alert form submission. Up to three outreach attempts will take placed based on the level of urgency regarding the alert type (please reference the aforementioned outreach flowchart). If contact IS made with the student, the alert is closed and an automated template sent to the instructor with the closure update. If the instructor would like additional information they are welcome to contact Melissa Martinez and information is shared as is appropriate within FERPA guidelines. If contact is NOT made with the student after multiple attempts, the alert is closed out and an automated email sent to the instructor. If the instructor would like additional information they are welcome to contact Melissa Martinez and information may be shared as is appropriate within FERPA guidelines.
  • When does the Early Alert form turn off?
    • Beginning Winter 2024 the Early Alert form will on continuously. Instructors can submit an Early Alert at any point during the quarter.
  • Am I able to select more than one alert criteria for my student?
    • Starting Winter 2024 instructors will be able to select more than one Early Alert criteria when submitting the form.
  • Am I able to submit Early Alerts for my students in batch form? It would save me time if I could do multiple alerts all at once.
    • Unfortunately batch Early Alert submission is not possible. It may be possible in the future, but not at this time.
  • Why do I need to submit an Early Alert form? I reach out to my students on my own. This seems like one more thing for me to do.
    • We recognize that faculty are over taxed and stretched very thin. We are not asking you to submit the Early Alert form as an added stressor, but rather to offer you support so your focus can be on teaching. While the Early Alert form is not required of instructors, and many do conduct their own outreach, we do hope you’ll consider submitting the Alert as a matter of addressing equity. This is two-fold: (1) we want to ensure that more than only a handful of instructors are submitting Alerts as this places the “burden” on only a few people; (2) we want to ensure that all students have the same opportunity to receive the type of support provided with Early Alert intervention and this cannot happen if only a handful of instructors are submitting Alerts.
  • When is a CARE report necessary versus an Early Alert form?
    • CARE reports are for issues related to the safety and wellbeing of students. Early Alerts are for academic concerns. Still unsure when to submit a CARE report or an Early Alert? Let this CARE and Early Alert Handout[PDF] guide you!

Imposter syndrome impacts confidence and motivation for many students, particularly minority students, leading to increases in anxiety as well as impacting self-esteem and self-efficacy (Parkman, A. (2016). The Imposter Phenomenon in Higher Education: Incidence and Impact [PDF]. ). Students suffering from Imposter Syndrome feel out of place in the college environment, like they are the only ones who do not understand the system, and that perhaps they shouldn’t be there after all. There are strategies you can share with your learners, however, that can encourage them to shift their mindset and keep negative self-talk and bay. While these resources are specifically centered on teenage learners, the tips within are applicable to learners of all ages:

Do you have questions about ctcLink? Do you have students who need help? The ctcLink at BC page has resources, guides and videos for students, faculty and staff. Take a look if you need help OR if you would like to share with students who need help


Feeling seen and acknowledged in your efforts always feels good. Celebrate a student by sending them a Kudo!

Last Updated August 28, 2024