Early Alert

Early Alert Processing Dashboard

Current date2/16/2025
Total Early Alert submissions to date144
Outreach in-progress for form submitted as of 2/16/2025138
Number of closed alerts128
*This dashboard reflects Early Alert submissions for the current academic term.

What is an Early Alert for Academic Support?

The Early Alert for Academic Support (Early Alert) is a program to help students who are showing signs of academic distress in class. If you get an email or phone call regarding an Early Alert please know you are NOT “in trouble”. We are reaching out to help!

We know students have lots of important responsibilities with work, family, and more. When we contact you, it is to learn more about you and your needs so we can provide support and resources for your success. Please read below for additional information you may find helpful. Please also review our Resource Guide for Students [PDF] which provides on and off campus resource information and contacts! Additionally, for general Student Success Resources please visit our Resources page.

Reasons for an Early Alert

  • Never attending class (If this is selected a reminder will pop up to please only submit if the student is still not attending after the fifth day of the quarter)
  • Missing classes/stopped logging in to Canvas
  • Missing assignments (If this is selected, a comment box will appear to request additional details. For example, is this the first missed assignment, is this one of several missing assignments, what is the significance in terms of percentage or points for the class.)
  • Low performance on testing (If this is selected, a comment box will appear to request additional details. For example, if the exam is a high stakes exam or any other helpful information.)

  • How was I identified for an Early Alert?
    • One of your instructors noticed that you were demonstrating one of the following academic concerns: never attended class, missed classes/stopped attending, missing assignments or exams, and low performance on testing. They then submitted the Early Alert form at any point in the quarter which led to you receiving an email and phone call as a way to provide you with resources and/or support.
  • Who participates in Early Alert?
    • All full-time and part-time instructors have access to the electronic Early Alert from. If an instructor has an academic concern for a student enrolled in their class they may submit an Early Alert and outreach begins the following day.
  • What are my next steps if I get an Early Alert email or phone call?
    • Review the resources you are provided within your email or discussed during the phone call you receive. Which can benefit you most (academically and personally)? Contact information will be provided to you about those resources–reach out to them!
    • Connect with you instructor. Let them know you received outreach for Early Alert, discuss your progress in the class, ask questions, ask what options you have for making up assignments or exams. Discuss the challenges you are facing with the course and identify solutions for moving forward.
  • Does getting an Early Alert mean that I am failing?
    • One of the main purposes of Early Alert is to provide you with outreach and support before you get to the point of failing the class. It is important to talk with your instructor to find out what your standing is in the class, and what can be done to get you back on track. Another purpose of the program is to provide you support at any point in the quarter so you can take care of yourself and your needs.
  • Does an Early Alert go on my permanent record?
    • The Early Alert will NOT be a part of your academic transcript. The Early Alert is documented in our student Customer Relations Management (CRM) tool as part of your student journey, but it will not be reflected on your official college documents.
  • How do I make an appointment with an advisor to discuss my academic progress and questions?
    • There are different advising offices for different programs. Be sure you go to the correct one!
    • For educational planning and support for associate degrees and certificates please schedule an appointment to meet with an Academic Advisor by visiting their appointment scheduling page Schedule an Advising Appointment :: Academic Advising (bellevuecollege.edu).
    • Running Start Students or Youth Reengagement (CEO & LIP) Students please schedule with an advisor or case manager for within the Center for High School Programs Office
    • Students enrolled in selective admissions or bachelor’s degree programs should schedule an advising appointment with their program manager.
  • How do I make an appointment with a counselor for personal counseling?

Need help accessing technology? BC is here to help!

  • Laptop access
  • High speed internet
    • The Emergency Broadband Benefit Program could be for you! To learn more read this article! To be eligible ONE member of your household must meet ONE of the following criteria:
      • Qualify for the FCC’s Lifeline program, including those that are on Medicaid or accept SNAP benefits
      • Receive benefits under the free and reduced-price school lunch or breakfast program
      • Have lost jobs and seen their income reduced in the last year
      • Have received a Federal Pell Grant
      • Meet the eligibility criteria for a participating broadband provider’s existing low-income or COVID-19 program
  • Are you finding Canvas challenging to navigate? BC has a variety of resources to help!

  • Get connected to others!
  • Get help with you need it!
    • Schedule an appointment to meet with your instructor during their office hours or, if those don’t work with your availability, ask them if you can schedule an alternate time. You can also message your instructor via Canvas or email them from your BC email account (do not email from your personal email account).
      • Nervous about office hours? Remember, office hours are for you. You are not bothering your teacher. They are there to support your learning.
      • Topics to address during office hours include: assignments, clarification about course content, future courses, or to discuss your major or program of study. You can also use office hours to talk with your instructor about how you are doing in general.
    • Ask a friend or family member for help. Is there anyone in your class you feel comfortable reaching out to? Do you have other friends or family members who have taken a similar class and can help you? If so, reach out to them for support!
  • Communication is key!
    • Be sure to ALWAYS email from your Bellevue College email address. Whether you’re emailing your instructors, staff or classmates, email from your BC email! Not sure how to set it up? Go to the NetID Account Management page.
    • Be proactive! If you’re not feeling well, be sure to let your instructors know you’ll miss class.
    • When writing an email be sure to avoid “textspeak”. View this guide for sending an effective email [PDF]
  • Take care

Sometimes withdrawing from class may be the best option. Learn about the different kinds of withdrawals by reviewing withdrawal information on the Online Services page.

  • An official withdrawal requires students to withdraw themselves from a class or classes, online or in person by the seventh week of the quarter.  
  • Medical Withdrawals are also available and require documentation. For more information, visit or contact Student Central.

IMPORTANT! IF you are a member of any one of the following groups you MUST connect with the office listed below before dropping this or any other course:

  • Running Start Students or Youth Reengagement (CEO & LIP) Students: Consult with the Center for High School Programs Office Case Manager or Advisor
  • Financial Aid recipients: Consult with a Financial Aid advisor
    • Remember, dropping a class could negatively impact your ability to receive financial aid in the future, so check with Financial Aid first
  • International Students: Consult with your International Education Advisor
  • BC Housing: Consult with Becca Marion in Student Housing becca.marion@bellevuecollege.edu
    • Remember, to be eligible for Housing you must be enrolled in at least 6 credits
  • Workforce Education: Consult with your Workforce Education advisor before dropping any classes. 

  • If you didn’t do well in a class and need to repeat it, know you can also submit a Repeated Coursework Form to help improve your GPA. The original grade will remain on your transcript, but the new grade will be the one factored in to your GPA calculation.
  • If you need emergency funding, housing support, or food access visit the Bellevue College Benefits Hub
  • For a comprehensive list of on and off camps resources view the our Resource Guide for Students [PDF]
  • If you have a complaint about an instructor, follow the steps outlined in the College’s Grade Dispute Procedures page. While the information here is specifically for grade disputes, the steps outlined are also still valuable and relevant if you have a complaint regarding an instructor. In short the steps are
    • Speak to your instructor about the issue of concern.
    • If the meeting with the instructor is not satisfactory, contact your instructor’s department chair.
    • There are some instances when the issue may need to be taken to the Division Dean. These reasons are outlined in the College’s Grade Dispute Procedures page.
  • A comprehensive list of on campus resources can be found online on the Campus Services page.

Last Updated September 16, 2024